Saturday, May 30, 2020

corona lockdown day 79- small steps

I decided on FB in the morning and it was the right decision. The guy at the front reminded me not to take the backpack off in the store. There weren't many people in the store so I made it through the aisles relatively quickly. Their stock seems to have stabilized compared to other weeks. They had very few empty shelves. They did not have much yeast (not that I was looking for some)

They did have chickens on sale so I picked up a couple and there is one cooking in the slow cooker right now.

I also hung the laundry out. There are a few peeks of sun and there is some breeze so I am hopeful. But it is scheduled to rain soon.

I also mowed the lawn this morning to try to beat the rain. The front lawn is growing quickly. Mainly with dandelions. So it is good to mow them down. The back yard I am so far winning the war on the dandelions and there aren't many left.

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