Monday, May 31, 2021



Last night my tooth did not do so well and I was up a lot of the night. During the day it was not so bad. A day full of meetings. We'll see how tonight is.

Picked up the new safe for Rustle.

James watched the Leafs game.

COVID-19 Community update for May 31, 2021

Sunday, May 30, 2021

Brock St. adventures

 I walked to Metro at 8am this morning. You would think that this would be a quiet uneventful time to walk but it seemed to be the opposite.

I walked through Churchill Park and arriving on Brock St. the person walking towards me with the dog recognized me. It was one of my former students (who also was one of my TAs). He's now working as a consultant to a Mining company from his apartment in Kingston. Not ideal but he seems to be keeping well.

Then a few blocks further on I could hear someone yelling. It took me a few blocks to actually see the person. She had a mighty big voice! Everyone seemed to be more of less ignoring her as she spewed anger. I engaged her by speaking kindly to her and within a minute she was not yelling anymore. I offered to get her breakfast and she accepted. I picked up a wrap from the metro to go and an apple and some flavoured water. She seemed thankful and appreciative. A little bit of love goes a long way.

Saturday, May 29, 2021


 The good news is that my tooth is feeling ok right now.

The bad news is that a piece of the filling seems to have fallen off.

The good news is that the filling isn't rough and I'm not sure where the piece is from.

The bad news is another dentist appointment next week.

The MOH has rescinded a few orders due to the good progress of kingston (2 days this week with no new cases). Now health care workers who were having to get asyptomatic tests every 2 weeks no longer need to do so. The other order was that stores no longer need to supply hand sanitizer.

I ran some errands today. Loblaws as James wanted some sleep-eeze as he has been having difficulty sleeping thanks partly to the lower amount of exercise than usual. He will be starting some APP training this week as well to work on getting into good condition for August when hockey can officially begin. Loblaws was pretty busy but not unmanageable. Hand sanitizer was still provided.

Went to Giant Tiger as James wanted bagels and cream cheese. I was also hoping to pick up some socks for him as he is wearing through them and the Joe Fresh section in Loblaws was open but apparently clothing is still not available in GT. It was not too busy. Their hand sanitizer is often empty and was again today.

Then stopped by shoppers. They were also slightly busy and still had hand sanitizer available.

It was pretty chilly this morning but I hung laundry out as there is quite a bit of breeze and I am hoping that will dry it.

Tuesday, May 25, 2021


 Things did not go terribly well at the dentist. She said that the nerve was damaged and that was likely what I was feeling. She still did the filling but was worried that it would not be successful because of the nerve. If bacteria got in I will need to have a course of antibiotics and a root canal. I am in quite a bit of pain now as my mouth is recovering from the filling. Very disappointing as my hope was to be pain free.

Monday, May 24, 2021


 Yesterday when I was walking a bug flew in my ear. And not just in and out, but in and it stayed in. I tried tilting my head on the side so it could fall out but it didn't. I felt it and it was lodged well into my ear. Luckily I still have some nail in my finger and I managed to dislodge it. I think it was a ladybug. My ear is still sore from the interaction.

Tomorrow I have the dentist appointment to hopefully fix my tooth.

Sunday, May 23, 2021

victoria day openings

 I woke up just before 6 and it was sunny so I hopped on my bike and went to lake ontario park. No raptors or rabid racoons today. I saw the same duck mama with her babies as yesterday. As I was a bit earlier than yesterday it was quieter people-wise, which was nice.

After I got home I put in a load of laundry and set off for Food Basics. Food Basics was moderately busy but not too bad. People were not following the arrows on the floor. Their sign said they are open tomorrow.

After I unloaded that I went to Giant Tiger which was busier than usual. Their sign also said that they are open tomorrow. I also checked the Loblaws website and they are also open tomorrow. Very odd as the flyers said most stores would be closed. And most years in the past I  think they were closed.

Saturday, May 22, 2021

photos from the falcon hunt

The falcons were at the tippy top of a high tree so hard to photograph

discards from the falcon- one glob of black material

by my shoe for scale


falcon hunt

 I woke up early so I biked down to Lake Ontario park as soon as it was light enough. As I was locking up my bike there was a kerfuffle over my head and I see a bunch of crows attacking a raptor. I walked down to the water and saw a raptor flying south over the water so I thought I was out of raptor luck. However, not long after that I heard some more noise so I walked among the trees and I saw there were 2 large birds, sitting high in the tree. They sat there for some time until one flew off to another tree I guess hunting as there was a lot of anxiety in the tree after arrival. A few minutes later the second one followed. They were hunting together it seemed. They then flew together to another tree (maybe to eat their catch?). They dropped something and then flew away. I went to investigate what they dropped and I have no idea what it was- the bad bits of a squirrel maybe?

Friday, May 21, 2021

on the go

 A day off from work today. Kim and I went for a walk down by the water. We saw a lot of turtles and snakes. Swans afar off. 1 muskrat. 1 homeless man named Peter that we talked with for a while.

Made lunch. Played a computer games with James. Took in the laundry and washed dishes.

Made chick pea and boccocini salad for dinner.

The weather is lovely and warm.

baby bunny in a bush

 spent the day in training and while it was interesting and a change of pace I am not sure very useful.

made english beef pie for dinner that involved a lot of chopping so took longer than expected.

After dinner I sat on the back porch and saw a baby bunny take a quick check around things from the rose bush. So the babies have been moved from the warren to a new location. At least one of them anyway. 

Will be seeing Kim tomorrow after about a month.

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

baby bunnies

 I mowed the lawn and that apparently was too close to the baby bunny nest and one of them ran and hid under the neighbours ramp. When I mowed in the back an adult bunny hopped away. I hope the mom came back and found the babies! It was very worrying for me.

Now at 11pm, the fire trucks are heading to the water as it sounds like they need to do a water rescue.

A day of turmoil.

Tomorrow a day of training.

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

What is the status of the vaccine supply in KFL&A?

grackle babies

 Yesterday the first set of grackle babies were on the lawn. They are pretty loud for babies.

This morning at 4:30am there was a fire on Alfred and York, not too close to me but close enough for all the fire trucks heading in that direction to wake me up! It has been a week of broken sleep.

Sunday, May 16, 2021

no spring chicken

 I took the bike out to Lake Ontario park a few weeks ago and today I took it out on a tour of some neighbourhoods as well as to Metro so only the second time out this year and I am now pretty tired and ready for bed at 9pm. I'm sure it is good exercise if I am able to sustain it. I watched Rustle and Elevation and finished up the timetabling work that was needed.

For dinner was tacos that was very simple. James is working on his culminating statistics project that is due tonight.

Tomorrow I need to go to Food Basics before work and after work I have to work on financial documents for Rustle.


 While we don't have very large lawns in our neighbourhood one neighbour has invested in a ride on mower and he mowed yesterday. He certainly has the nicest looking lawn on the block!

I also saw a large raptor overhead. At first from the colouring I thought it was a sea gull but it was much bigger and flew very differently than a gull. I could see white colouring but it was so high up it was hard to know what it was.

Saturday, May 15, 2021

about face

 I went to get my teeth cleaned (regular appointment) yesterday and after 2 years of trying to figure out what was wrong in mouth and the final resolution being sinuses, they found what was wrong. It appears to have been a cavity in a difficult to see place. So now I have an appointment for filling May 25.

We did get some resolution on timetable issues. My work file server however suffered a fatal error and I lost a lot of files that they are trying to recover for me.

Thursday, May 13, 2021

nice weather

 I hung laundry out today and mowed the lawn again.

Went to metro this morning and it was very quiet so that was nice.

We were working on a lot of timetable plans and things are coming together with some progress.

Red lentil curry for dinner!

May 13, 2021 Construction Site Outbreak Update

Tuesday, May 11, 2021


 My email has got a bit out of control. We had a morning teaching and learning session and other meetings today so I did not make much headway.

I got new batteries for the safe but it remains dead. Still trying to get the bills to pay.

grades deadline

 Today was the grades deadline so it was a lot of work to get everything posted but it is done. Now my email box is full again. Tomorrow we are supposed to have a big event at work but it is hard to see how I can manage this plus all my email.

I tried to wake up early this morning so I could get grades posted before my morning meetings started but I fell back asleep so I didn't have time. I did wake up in time to run to food basics before the first meeting. FB was very quiet, much quieter than usual. The juice was a more reasonable price so I picked up as much as I could. I tried to pick up batteries from the dollar store but it was closed. I guess too early in the morning. I got them instead at lunchtime. I need the batteries for the safe at Rustle as I couldn't get the bills because the batteries were dead (I think). I meant to go this evening but forgot. Will have to make sure that I go tomorrow as the utilities are due soon!

Sunday, May 9, 2021


 I have finished compiling the grades so there is progress.

The weather was very cold this morning but seems to have improved during the day and the bunny is out resting on the lawn. Happily for the bunny.

James has discovered a 2 person computer game called Fire boy and water girl. However my skills are pretty limited so it is more amusement to see me try to keep up. Sometimes James needs to be both characters.

I ordered a new raincoat from amazon. The colour was called "pine" and it is a bit greener than the picture. While it says it is a raincoat it does not feel as waterproof as I expected. But the cut is really very gorgeous so I am very happy with it. This is what I ordered:

Cole Haan womens Hooded Anorack Rain Coat: Clothing & Accessories

Saturday, May 8, 2021


 Yesterday James had his birthday. He didn't really have parties before covid so it was a small celebration anyway with a few presents. He bought himself a game with birthday money and drove to get his birthday pizza himself. I had planned to make birthday brownies but that didn't work out so I'll make them today. We did play some frisbee at an interval when it wasn't raining. I got all my marks out, now I need to work on compiling them all to be done for the year!

Thursday, May 6, 2021

Basking bunnies

 While the weather is still pretty cold, there was a bunny lying in the sun having a nap on the lawn today. Later I saw him munching on some grass and a dandelion (which I was pleased about). 

Yesterday I saw the periodontist and he said my problems weren't tooth related. Which I guess is good. But he said it would be sinus related which means that there is no easy solution.

I saw Deborah for lunch and did a lot of walking, so it was a good day.

Today I have a board meeting. Made spanish meatball stew for dinner. Tomorrow we'll order in for James' birthday.

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

COVID-19 Community update for May 4, 2021

Another rainy day. I picked up juice at Food Basics. It was not too busy.

I was very productive at work getting important emails out and posting the presentation grades.

The excitement today was a construction site with a big outbreak- see the video for more details.

Tomorrow I meet with the periodontist.

Monday, May 3, 2021

a day too gloomy even for bunnies

 It was cold and grey today. I did not venture outside. It did not seem like the bunnies did either.

We are almost out of juice so I will need to go out early tomorrow.

Today was an exceptionally busy day as we were starting our summer student program, trying to wrap up the courses and dealing with technological issues. I am also supposed to be working on getting offer letters out. It is looking like a busy day tomorrow as well.

Saturday, May 1, 2021

bunny nap time

 Today I did a lot of review work and things are looking good for finishing the marks. Still some work to do this week.

I was going to mow the grass in the back but the bunny decided to lie down on the lawn and nibble on the grass. I didn't mow the back lawn to keep the bunnies happy.

I mowed the front lawn and noticed that the bunnies had nibbled the tulips.