Thursday, January 31, 2019

Top speed

After 4 days in Toronto (Steve called it the "big smoke"), 1 visit with Clara, a few church services, full speed work I feel like I am back in a stable place.

James had his last exam today, which he was pretty happy about. School starts back up on Tuesday for him.

Tomorrow our communication meetings start and go through the next week. Next week the students also have their proposal presentations, so it is a pretty peak time in the course.

Monday, January 21, 2019

Too cold for school

Last night James was very happy as the region school buses were cancelled for today due to the cold. I didn't find it that bad yesterday but they are saying that frostbite can set in about 10 minutes. I was probably out for over 2 hours (not continuously but at least 1/2 hour at a time). I keep well bundled up though.

Yesterday I didn't write my adventure to SDM. It is on Princess St and Princess is normally one of the first ones plowed. However, I found that it is just the downtown Princess St. that gets plowed first. I walked relatively normally until the corner of Princess and Bath/Concession. They had attempted to plow some pedestrian bits at the intersection so it was relatively passable though not terribly safe. Cars were having trouble figuring out their lanes with all the snow so they were having their own issues. Then I was on the north side of Princess and within a few steps of the intersection, the sidewalk plow had stopped. The banks on the side of Princess are very deep (impassable to pedestrians) so I went up the embankment and there passed relatively easily though the trees but it certainly wasn't a pedestrian friendly walk.

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Digging out

This is Canada and so Rustle and hockey rolls on.

I had to choose my boots this morning if I wanted my warmest boots or my tallest boots. I took the warmest ones, though I am not sure that was the best decision, it was ok.
The snow was knee deep (over my boots) in my driveway but when I got to the street it was ok. Some snowbanks were up to my head on Princess St. There were no sidewalks cleared so I walked on the road (sometimes the roads weren't plowed). I walked on side streets where I could to try to avoid cars. There weren't a lot of cars on the road but there were enough on the main roads to make them dangerous for pedestrians.

After Rustle, the city was on its way to digging out and I could mostly walk on sidewalks. Many roads were so plowed down that it was slippery because the snow was packed down that it made an ice sheet.

The 401 recovered and Whitby arrived for the game tonight.


When I woke up this morning, just looking out everything was white. Google maps shows the 401 as orange. If today was a school day, even Queen's might have been closed. Now it makes sense why everyone was at Costco yesterday as driving is not a good idea today. I have a feeling that Whitby may not arrive for the game tonight unless conditions improve significantly during the day.

It takes a lot more to close Rustle as most of the people who attend walk and walking appears to still be possible.

I will need to walk at some point as I need to pick up something for dinner.

James and I worked on an infographic for "What makes us human" from an anthropological, psychological and sociological perspective, which was actually pretty interesting. We'll try to finish up today and then he'll show it to his teacher on Monday and then he can make final tweaks.

Looks like we still have a fair bit of snow to come as the system seems to be moving UP.

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Deep freeze

This week was a week of culminating activities for James so after work I was helping him by quizzing him for tests and keeping him focused on his projects. Made for late nights.

Yesterday I worked until 8:30pm trying to wrap things up for week 2 also trying to prepare things for week 3 as I'm planning to be in Toronto for most of the week.

Today trying to clean the house. It is apparently -30 out with the wind chill so I didn't want to go shopping. Now the snow of the winter storm has started but the temperature has not risen. I thought it could not snow when it was too cold, but apparently it can!

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Car update II

With the new battery the car continued to experience problems starting and it as back in the shop on Monday for a starter. Now it seems to have sorted its issues out.

Monday was a long day as after work I had a board meeting, James needed to study for an anthropology test so we were up until 1am.  He wrote the test on very little sleep but being a teenager it shouldn't have made too much difference.

At the Board meeting we were looking at options for a second service for Rustle as we are pretty full on Sundays!

Tuesday was also a long day at work. I got home at 7pm and had another instant pot success. I had a package of chicken breasts that I had made half of the night before in the frying pan but I hadn't been impressed with the texture. I put the rest of the package in the IP for 10 minutes and it was so soft, much more enjoyable.

Christine lost another friend last week which has hit her hard. The friend found out one day last week that she had cancer and 2 days later she had passed away.

Today is a late day with TA training and I have a class to run after that. Luckily, that is my last extra Wednesday evening class for a while. I am training Megan to take over for me for a few weeks.

Saturday, January 12, 2019

Car update

Car did not start last night
Car did not start at 9am
Called Midas and got an 11am appointment.
Thought I would need to get a tow.
Miraculously, the car did start and made it to Midas for a new battery.


Image result for frustration funny
Today I had so much to do and so much to power through I had to have a high level of focus in order to not make mistakes. Of course this was a day when there were a large number of interruptions. and things that normally didn't annoy me, annoyed me. I had to try to get my puzzle of hiring done, but I didn't manage it all. I will have to go in tomorrow as the offer letters need to be in by Monday to get them through finance.
I got through the block load of courses for J-section.
I did not get through my email.
I did manage to give a pile of work to Tabitha which will help for the next few weeks. Just trying to get through this week.
The car doesn't start anymore. Maybe the battery is dead.
James lost at his hockey game.
Frustration all the day long.

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Day 2

Sunday was busy with Rustle in the morning and CR in the evening. Then Monday I had a day full of meetings and got home late and then there was the bachelor on TV. So I didn't get a lot of laundry and dishes done so things backed up at home. But I thought overall Day 1 went well.

Today was more challenging as there were some technical problems and a lot of demands. I managed to get through all the mostly time sensitive emails but have a lot of work backed up. Tomorrow I am mostly in meetings so my email will backup again! At least my life is never boring.

Friday, January 4, 2019


I sent out our intro email today. It took me 3 days to get it together but I pulled together most of the needed information. I still have to do some work on the weekend to get quizzes up and running and prepare all the workshops that we are running next week.

Today there was a fire alarm that went off in our newest building- Mitchell Hall. My window looks right into Mitchell and I could see the flashing lights and all the people standing outside the building. I saw the firetrucks coming and thought that they would stop and help all the people standing outside but the trucks whizzed on by. I am not sure where they went but 5 minutes later they were back sirens still blaring and they rescued the people from having to stand outside. I guess since it is a new building maybe it shows up wrong in their computer system. Good to learn this when there wasn't a fire I guess.

After work Christine and I went to Lesley's place but there was a mix up and the tenant was not ready to show the place so Christine and I walked and talked for a bit. It was getting icy and she is still in a cast so I hope she made it home ok.

I made another chicken in the instant pot today. I seem to have mastered one recipe so far as it turned out very well. The meat is very tender.

Thursday, January 3, 2019


The term starts on Monday and things are not quite ready. I have a lot to do on the course tomorrow to make things ready. Also going with Christine at 5pm to look at Lesley's place to see if that would be suitable for her. We went to a place yesterday on Division St. with a very nice superintendent but a lot of stairs. Christine is currently in a foot cast so that makes it more difficult for her. With no elevator it would be difficult to get all her stuff up there.

I had been invited to speak at a conference next weekend, but it was cancelled which is not such a bad thing as it will be a busy weekend as the first week of term always is the busiest.

Tuesday, January 1, 2019


The service at Kim's Church was good. There was music, communion, a message and they prayed for everyone in the Church individually, including the children which was no small feat as there were several hundred people there.

There was an accident on Princess St around 7pm last night that was only a block away from our house. I saw the police cruiser blocking the street when we drove home but I didn't know what happened until I got home. There was a female pedestrian who was hit and killed. It was dark and rainy which can't have helped but what I couldn't figure out is where on the road she was hit as I walk that area all the time and unless she was not crossing at the lights, it is a very safe route.

There were some early fireworks as we were driving home around 9pm, which were a bit disconcerting as we were not expecting them at that time.

Today I woke up at 9am. The weather was quite nice so I spent some time in the garden. Then did a lot of cleaning. A conservative dinner of chicken from the slow cooker. James had a friend over playing a video game for most of the evening.