Friday, August 30, 2019


Yesterday it was raining lightly as I walked into work. So I didn't want to wear my summer shoes as they don't do well with water. But it was too warm to wear nylons so I wore some other shoes and paid the price in blisters.

I had gone to sleep when all sorts of sirens descended around our area. This is not particularly unusual. After the sirens arrived I could hear (and can still hear) the fire alarm going off. If must be one of the apartment buildings. Shortly after they arrived I could hear a fire guy speaking over loudspeaker (though I couldn't hear what he was saying I imagine it was telling people to get out of the building) so I figured it was more serious than a usual call. Twitter is now telling me that it is an "extinguished oven fire" so hopefully they are now doing clean up and everyone can recover from all the excitement. Including me!

Sunday, August 25, 2019

New routine

I was woken up by some shouting from the apartment block nearby. It is an ongoing thing but I can't tell which apartment specifically. You would think that the neighbouring apartments would complain.

But it was ok as it was around the time that I would wake up anyway. I went to the early service at Rustle and then stayed for the start of the 11am one so that I could count the deposit. It seemed to work out better for my morning so I am liking this change.

I have not made my work to-do list for tomorrow yet but I am taking Tuesday off as I expect I will need to work the weekend.

My Tuesday list includes:
A/C maintenance guy is coming
Food box is coming
Scheduling committee meeting (not scheduled yet)
Meeting with Irene (not scheduled yet)
Board meeting - 6:30pm

From a week ago- glazed meatballs

 Pork lettuce wraps
 I think I was supposed to actually wrap the lettuce around, but the lettuce wasn't in good enough shape to do that. Was still yummy.

Writing from when I was 9:

 This past week.
Spicy carnita pork tacos

 These were good but I accidentally touched my face while cutting the poblano pepper and it burned a bit. Lesson learned.

Tuckey paillard and white wine sauce

Saturday, August 24, 2019

1 week

The students arrive in one week. Still lots to do!

Today was overcast so my laundry is taking a long time to dry. I went to Shoppers and Loblaws to pick up supplies.

Now that the sun is starting to peek out, I will try to clean the windows and have another load of laundry to go out.

Thursday, August 22, 2019


We are working on interviews for hiring for September. That will take up much of tomorrow as well. The course website needs to be updated. There are lots of emails to be answered. I also need to go through our survey results to see which students have not yet completed it and may not be attending. Also, have a long list of things to do on my list!

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

long day

I woke up today at 4am because my computer decided it didn't shut down properly and it needed to be re-shut down. Then it decided it needed a new PIN. At 4am. Seriously.

But then I couldn't get back to sleep so I got up and tried to hurry in to work due to the impending storm. I almost made it, just in the work parking lot when the heavens opened. But I still got soaked as it came down very hard.

Then I didn't want to go to lunch until Tabitha got back as it was her defence day and she is now Dr. Tabitha. But then I got caught up in other things and didn't take lunch and then was going to leave for CR early and pick up a bite to eat but then things got busy again. So it wasn't a good food day. I will try to do better tomorrow.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

1 Church, 2 services

Today we added a 9am service so we have 2 identical services- one at 9am and one at 11am. I was the host so I was there just after 8am. It was a lot of fun. Easier because it was the first one, so groundbreaking. It could become tiring to do every week, we'll see how it goes.

It was overcast in the morning but sunny in the afternoon so I got a load of laundry hung out.

Then in the evening we did some CR leadership training. We had some yummy taco soup to start and then looked at improving processes and doing some other training. So a busy but good day.

Tomorrow, we are running some workshops on our first Assignment.

Saturday, August 17, 2019


The days until the start of term are passing quickly. We still have a lot to do to finish the courses and projects.
Today I woke up at 5am so I got to work on cleaning. I cleaned the bathroom and got some laundry out. I had to pull the laundry back in around 11 when the rain came in. But I got another load out around 3pm. I also cleaned underneath my bed which was very dusty. My black leggings were grey by the end of the cleaning. So that was some good work.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Foley mountain

We took a Rustle road trip to Foley mountain. Is it really a mountain in the technical sense? I am not sure. But it was very beautiful and everyone had a good time or at least a relatively good time.

Tabitha started work and so we have been moving ahead on course things at a greater pace. Only a few weeks left to go.

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

in between downpours

When I came out of food basics at lunchtime, the sky was suddenly very overcast so I hurried back to work and made it just before the downpour. Same thing when travelling home, I just got some sprinkles, so that worked out.

Tomorrow Tabitha is going to be starting though it is my day off, she will just have an orientation day and we will get down to business on Thursday. Just a few weeks left until launch.

Looking forward to a family reunion on the weekend!

Sunday, August 4, 2019

coon crossing

I was walking to Loblaws at about 7:30pm and ahead of me on Park St. a very large racoon crossed the road ahead of me and went into some bushes. As I passed by I looked into the bushes and a saw a racoon face looking back at me. I stopped for a minute to look and heard something across the road. There was another racoon but slightly smaller. He was a bit hesitant to cross the road so turned around. I started to walk on, but I could hear them talking to each other. Finally, the large one must have said :RUN as the second one sprinted (well as much as a round object can sprint) across the road and made it without being hit by anything. Racoons in our area are very well fed.

Saturday, August 3, 2019


On Thursday I was woken up early as there was an ambulance going by on Princess St. The siren didn't quite wake me up, but when he had to do a lot of honking to get people out of the way, that woke me up.

On Friday I was woken up by the sound of running and shouting- I think someone's dog had got away from them.

This morning, though, I just woke up naturally!

Yesterday I learned that Roxy passed away. I worked with her a number of years ago. She was such a nice wise lady. She lived in England now so I did not see her anymore.

It was also Alan's last day of work in our office and that was also sad. I will miss his support. Next week Tabitha will start though, so that will be good!