Thursday, May 16, 2024

Toe progress

 James has been taking showers and putting the foot into salt water soaks. He is trying to get the acid from the surgery washed off. He is making progress with that. The toe seems to be healing but the cleaning progress is slow.

We made a flying visit to Brighton. The weather was glorious. The 401 has a number of slowdowns. One we noted from line painting. Others were undetermined. Good to see my parents!

Tuesday, May 14, 2024


 James made it through the surgery where they cut off large parts of ingrown toenail. As him for gross photos. He is bandaged up and resting today but has hockey tomorrow. I'm calling him "hobbles".

His income tax assessment came back and all was ok, he didn't need to pay anything.

I was off work today but still had some emails to do for work and otherwise did some cleaning.

Monday, May 13, 2024

Toe surgery

 Today was working on wrapping up everything from last week. I'm still really behind on my email.

Tomorrow is James' toe surgery!

We ordered pizza for dinner with enough extra for the next few days instead of getting a chef plate box.

Sunday, May 12, 2024


 Last week when I mowed the long grass in the front, it took 3 batteries full to get through. Today I used 1 battery and I did the front again and about 1/2 of the back. The back is very long. A bunny ran across the back lawn when I was mowing and so I didn't really want to do that part if the lawn keeps the bunny happy.

The board spend a day at Camp Iawah doing some prayer and planning. It was good except in the morning I wanted to go to the water and there was no path so my shoes got soaked with dew and were wet all day. Next time- boots. We saw some deer as we were driving in. They were pretty chill with the cars.

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

James' birthing day

 James had a rest day yesterday. I was up early and hung laundry for the first time this year. Had some meetings with my summer students and worked on finalizing grades. Had a special pizza dinner for James. Then I had small group at Sarah's. So a full day for me!

Sunday, May 5, 2024


 My bite isn't quite right since the tooth surgery so I may need to go back to the dentist.

James has his appointment with the foot doctor tomorrow. Interestingly in preparation for the appointment that he has waiting 2 months for, the toe infected. So I guess he'll get his moneys worth!

I went into work today to get ahead on marks as tomorrow I have a symposium to attend

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

biting my own tooth

 In the middle of the night I woke up with my teeth stuck together and in my groggy state I opened my jaw as quickly as possible. I wondered if there was damage but in the middle of the night I couldn't find any so I went back to sleep. But when I woke up I noticed there was a rough spot on my lower tooth.

My dentist got me in quickly before work today and said yes she would need to take action to fill it. She laughed at my description of the event. That my teeth had had a collision in the night. I asked if I would need to be frozen and the helper said yes. But the dentist sensed my dislike of the freezing and she said that it was shallow enough that they could try without freezing. And they did. And there was no pain. So all fixed up now.

The new backpack also seems to be pretty water resistant, so that is also good.

Monday, April 29, 2024

Amazon backpack

 My backpack was showing some wear after about 5 years. I looked at in person backpacks in stores but nothing struck my eye and they were all very expensive. So I found one on Amazon. It is slightly larger than my old backpack and has a thermal pocket for my "lunch". I was worried that it wouldn't be comfortable but it is as comfortable as my old Obusforme backpack so it seems to be a win!

I also finished my taxes!

Thursday, April 25, 2024

A break in the taxing for 3 days of showcases

 Mon- Wed I was running nonstop at showcases. Very rewarding but tiring! Here is a post from the Museum of Healthcare that we worked with for one project:

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Taxing part 2

 I biked to work because I was expecting an amazon delivery when noone would be home and thought I could bike back during my lunch hour. But it turned out to be delivered by Amazon and not intelcom and that meant for some reason I didn't get any email notifications. The package was on the porch when I biked home at the end of the day. I was pretty tired after biking so I took a short nap. But that means that it is now almost 3am and I am still up.

I got a good chunk of taxing things done and am making good progress but still probably have another evening to finish up.

James drove to Montreal for the last Canadiens game and drove back arriving at 2am.

Tuesday, April 16, 2024


 Had a long day at work, then came home and had some leftovers, then spent hours working on taxes. I think I have all the papers and am just working on getting everything in before starting the calculations.

Monday, April 15, 2024


 The eclipse was pretty neat, a great experience.

I painted the basement this week.

I didn't get as much done on Saturday as I planned as I hadn't slept well the night before.

Today I worked on getting all the tax documents ready and working on Rustle finance documents needed for the audit.

Sunday, April 7, 2024


 The other half of the couch arrived and James has created a mancave in the basement.

James and I went to Ottawa yesterday. James watched a Senators gave. I visited with Julie. We walked around a mall and had some food. James did not have food, he just enjoyed the game.

Julie and I dropped James off at the gas station outside of the arena and though we were so smart as we could pick him up there after the game. However, many people had the same idea and there were a lot of cars there but Julie did a fantastic job of picking him up and squeezing into traffic to get us back to our car.

The drive home was in the dark and James had to swerve around a racoon but we made it home safely.

Tomorrow is the big day for the eclipse. There are road closures planned because of the volume of people expected.

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Half a couch

 Half of the couch arrived yesterday. How it made it over the border, I don't know. Where the other half is, I don't know. James wrestled the half that we have down the stairs, hurting his back in the process. It is feeling better today.

Monday the students submitted their final project so there was a lot of things to coordinate yesterday and trainings to run.

One of the bridges into Kingston also has closed due to an element failing so there is one less entry point to the city.