Friday, January 31, 2020

Happy birthday to my brother!

Though it is only still his birthday here in Ontario as it must be over in N.S. Happy birthday!
January is always a busy month. Quite a few things falling apart today but things are overall going well.
This will be a busy weekend with Todd's ordination on Sunday.

Saturday, January 25, 2020

push and pull

The snowplow came again and put more heavy slush in the driveway. I cleared it again. I think I will be sore tomorrow. I feel one muscle in my right arm already that I'm sure I never use any other time. We'll see how it goes!


Yesterday after work James was away at a game so I went right to bed (6pm) and slept for a good bit getting up around 11pm so then not back to bed until 4am, getting up at 9am. There was a freezing rain warning but at 9am that was gone. I thought it would be icy out as it was precipitating and around 0 so I wore my ice boots to Loblaws. However, this was the incorrect decision as in the morning it was sloppy and wet and lots of puddles so I should have worn rain boots! I have been wearing rain boots since, even though the precipitation turned to be more heavy snow. I have been shoveling the driveway throughout the day. The plow went by and threw loads of heavy slush on the driveway so that was an interesting challenge.

The head cold seems to have improved. I am not sneezing or blowing my nose as much.

James still has a philosophy exam at 8:30am on Monday and 2 French presentations on Monday and a chemistry project to finish up.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Head cold

This week I have been battling a head cold. It has been a challenging week in other ways as well. I got lots of budgets done. Tomorrow have a budget meeting and timetabling training.

James did not do well on his chem exam today but he is putting in work for the math exam tomorrow so it was a learning experience. I am trying to get him to complete his chem project but he has given up on chem.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Digging out

Shoveled this morning and it was all ok to shovel except the bit dumped by the snowplow. I am stiff in my shoulders now. The shoveling gave me the revelation that the sidewalks will likely be impassable on my way to Rustle so I have planned out a new route off the busy streets so that I can walk on the road.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Storm start

In the morning I had a hiring meeting. Then I did some grocery shopping. Then the storm started. Some time lapse:

Friday, January 17, 2020

A long week

This week was particularly long. My email was pretty backed up. Not much sleep. Today was a 10 hour workday. But I did get the email mostly caught up by the end of the day. The cold has creeped in to the land.

James also has been fighting a cold which has resulted in him needing lots of sleep. Or maybe he is having another growth spurt. Next week James has exams. He also has a few projects do. So he has a lot on the go as well.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Things that go beep in the night

I meant to post this earlier but have had very full days!

On Sunday morning James' phone went of for the emergency non-alert around 7. I think I was already up- I didn't hear it. It apparently woke him up but then he got back to sleep. Then it apparently went off again at 9am to confirm that there was no emergency.

In the evening I went to bed and fell asleep and woke at 12:21 to some beeping. Apparently there was a power failure and something electronic was unhappy about that. Got back to sleep and then around 3:40 the power came back on again making other alternate things beep.

I have seen a bunny around the garden. I hope he stays.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

The Ice Non Event

While there was clearly freezing rain last night and there was a bunny in the early morning hours looking perplexed, it was not enough to be an event. When I walked to Rustle it was snowing. I wore my cleats out and did not slip. By the time I walked home, I no longer needed cleats. Everything seemed relatively normal. Rustle had regular attendance.

James is working on his French project that is due tomorrow but his novel is at school so he can't get the quotes and pages numbers that he needs so he will need to finish up tomorrow. He then has a math project due on Tuesday. End of term fun!

Ice Ice Baby

It is supposed to be freezing rain today. It is still dark so I can't tell the extent. Still planning on heading to Rustle.

Yesterday a friend from the big apartment nearby told me that bear spray had been used in an apartment down the hall and the building had to be evacuated. Apparently it is pretty strong stuff. The apartment (not the whole building) is now a crime scene so there must have been a fight that culminated in the bear spray being used. It took about an hour for the fire department to ventilate and get the air clear.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Week 1

As usual Week 1 has been very busy. We have had more people needing advising than previous years so the days have been long. Last night I didn't sleep well. Maybe because James had a early Thurs morning skate and I wanted to make sure he was up. So then I went to bed at 9pm and woke up at 3am!

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

New Years Eve

For as often as Third Day has had a New Year service Kim and I have gone together. This was the plan this year as well. I also invited Alicia. But yesterday Kim's mom took ill and so Kim could not go, so it was just Alicia and I but we had a good time. Alicia got to talk to the mayor which put her over the moon and enjoyed her first time at third day.