Sunday, September 30, 2018


We are starting a new group at Rustle called Celebrate Recovery. Image result for celebrate recovery

It runs on Sunday evenings and is a follow up to the Alpha program that we have run in the past year.

James had a game in Clarington tonight that they tied in the last few minutes.

I did a lot of cleaning and treasury work today.

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Annotated bibliography

Last night we worked for hours on an annotated bibliography on the topic of college athletics and finance in the States. I do not know how he chose such a topic, but I learned way more than I ever wanted to know.

The night before he was cramming for a math test. So two nights full of school work. YaY.

He has a PA day tomorrow and I have a lot planned for work.

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Changes at Loblaws

I normally use the self checkout  at Loblaws and they have recently undergone a redesign. Interestingly, they have selected to make them smaller so you can only use them if you are checking out a small number of things. As I walk, that is ok with me but I have been thinking about their strategy. By reducing the size, it means that they want people who are checking out lots of items to use a cashier. Or did they make this decision because they found people with lots of items DO use a cashier. I wonder if reducing the space of the self check out means they will open more person check outs. I will have to look more at the space to see what they have done.

Today was a TA training day, that I thought went quite well as we have some really good TAs so we had a good starting point.

Tomorrow we need to pull our weekly quiz together as well as our studios for the week start to run.

Friday, September 21, 2018

After the rain

This morning I woke up to a storm blowing through. Afterwards it was quite peaceful in the garden. I walked into work and shortly after another storm blew through. I worked very hard, comme toujours- we had a quiz to launch at noon, we had run a survey to see how the teams were doing and I made a document for Debby to set up the meetings, had marks to release and had to get everything ready for next week.

I still have some documents to get out to TAs. It was a pretty long week.

Then in the evening there was another storm that blew through. This picture was posted: 

Tonight there is a lot of wind.
Tomorrow we have a community BBQ at Rustle so hopefully not too windy in the afternoon.

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Who needs a gym when you have work?

On the weekend when we were doing testing we were up and down all the time doing measurements that my leg muscles were sore. Then yesterday we had to cart car parts across campus and they were very heavy and we should have used a cart but the bags looked light but they weren't and now my arms are sore as well. As long as I am getting stronger it is all ok.

James' leadership class did activities with the grade 9's in the park today. He didn't tell me what activity his group organized but he said the day went well. I walked by the park on my lunch and they were doing a parachute game with a big tarp.

Thursday, September 13, 2018


The students have been making good progress on their mousetrap cars. We have the tracks for them to start testing today. I cleaned them and put the start markers on.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

The launch

The course launched yesterday and it went pretty well, just a few small glitches. Breathing a sigh of relief but then the real work begins. Our first project is underway.

James made the kingston team and is happy with that.

Saturday, September 1, 2018


Since Melissa always likes birthday videos like this- I thought I would check and see if my dad does as well.