Friday, November 3, 2023

Change of name

 Due to a large donation our Faculty has had a name change to Smith Engineering. I haven't heard how this will change things but the rollout was very smooth. All our signs and website changed as soon as the announcement was made. So they can be very efficient when they want to be. In the summer they had made a new website and I needed a redirect on one of the pages that I had sent to the students and they wouldn't do it, but now the whole website seamlessly seems to have redirected to all new links for smithengineering. They are very good at keeping secrets.

This was a long week as we had student meetings in the evenings Mon and Wed. I had to get tests to the printer and peer review reports out yesterday. 

James drove to Sudbury yesterday and due to a long week already I went to bed at 9pm and so woke around 3:30am. Early to bed, early to rise, I guess!