Thursday, April 8, 2021

what is essential?

 Apparently stores with both essential and inessential products need to rope off the inessential ones- essential shopping only. Unless you order from Amazon. Then you can order inessential things.

I took my first bike ride of the year today. Also the first laundry hanging. Spring is starting to appear.

There is an outbreak in the student village but it is not clear what that means. More vigilance from public health there? vaccinations? I am not sure what this declaration means.

Then the principal made a statement to try to make the students be more concerned but he said that the hospitals were at capacity. However, we only have 1 case in the hospital due to covid and we are shipping patients in from Toronto because we have capacity and Toronto does not. So I don't think saying things like that and then accepting patients from Toronto is going to have an impact on students. They are smarter than that.

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