Saturday, November 25, 2017

The running

On Wed I was out late with Alpha
On Thurs I was out late helping Christine fill out an application
Friday I worked late
So it was a tiring few days.
I seem to have had some lighting issues with my phone, I will need to work on checking my settings!
 Lemon chicken piccata last week with noodles, cauliflower and lemon chicken. The green pods in the picture I don't remember the name of but they were very tasty.

 Pork bruschetta burgers
 Simple but tasty, there is cheese and bruschetta on top of the burger, the picture does not show it well

 There was a bunny in my bush, can you see him?

 This week was vietnamese turkey bun cha
 Quick pickled veggies
 Turkey meatballs with hoisin sauce on brown rice
 with veggies- was very good!

 Balsamic beef bolognese- always love their pasta recipes and this one was very easy- with corn nuts too!

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

In which it is discovered that the science test is tomorrow

Originally James said that the test was on Thursday but today he said it is tomorrow so we studied for 3 hours tonight. We had studied some on Sunday but has planned to do more work. He is functional for tomorrow I think. James has found that it takes him a long time to complete tests. The teacher is going to let them start at 8am if they want and James does so he is going to go in early. He'll need to wake up earlier in the morning!

Had a vacation day today- did a lot of running around. Cogeco came to upgrade the modem at Rustle and I did some shopping.

Am behind on the dishes because of the science studying! 

Sunday, November 19, 2017

On the run

Since Wednesday I have been on the run.
Wednesday was alpha right after work. Then in the evening worked my second job.
Thursday after work I ran home and made a Chef's plate meal (pork bruchetta burgers) then ran to Rustle for a board meeting.
Friday I ran home after work and made a quick meal (pasta) and went to meet Christine at Stanley St but in my running I had missed her message that it was cancelled. Then I went to Sarah's for an alpha party to kick off the alpha weekend.
Saturday was and incredible time on the Holy Spirit day of the alpha. I managed to get home before the Santa Claus parade made it impossible. Then worked on dishes and laundry.
Today went to Rustle and Kim picked me up right after and took Christine and I out to her place in Harrowsmith. I think Christine really enjoyed that it was a home but it was hard for her to come back. It was fun to hang out with the ladies but it means I haven't been home much in the last few days!

Monday, November 13, 2017


At lunchtime I had some saltine crackers and gingerale.
Dinnertime some pork and rice.
As that all seemed good I had a tiny piece of cheesecake that Catherine made for my birthday.
I seem to have stabilized.

Some pictures from a few weeks ago- Korean turkey fried rice

 Provolone baked chicken
 With potatoes and chicken with provolone and bruchetta on top

Catherine's cake from today:

 My mother sent some special chocolates- they got a bit shaken up in the mail but I'm sure will still taste good!


Had a busy and productive day yesterday but have been felled by some sort of stomach thing today. Yesterday, I had cheese and crackers for breakfast. Went to Rustle early to see our tenant and get some things sorted out. Got things set up with the crew. Was the speaker and it went better than last time, but I'm not sure it is really my thing? Anyway we had a potluck after and I ate some yummy chilli, but it may be the suspect in why I am not feeling well. Or I caught a bug. Saw a place with Christine. Went home, left again to see another place with her. Came home and made dinner. Pork with fries and veggies. James ate the same thing and he was fine in the morning so that leaves me with either the chilli or a bug. James' team came 8th at the tournament but only the top 7 advanced to the Sunday games. He had a good time though. I haven't eaten or drunk anything this morning, just waiting for everything to clear my system. I watched a murder mystery but will need to tackle my email soon. Not a great way to start the birthday!

Friday, November 10, 2017


This week was very busy as there were midterm marks and project marks to hand back. Wednesday was the longest day. I was up early to do the garbage and recycling, then off to work, went to Alpha, talked with Christine for a bit. Got home and James was still working on his science. He may have been working on it a while, but he still had a long way to go. I was trying to get things ready for the next day and help him as well. We were up for about 4 hours still working on it. Went to bed around 1am and was back up at 6:30am. Then have to get things ready for James' trip to Branford. Dale Parker Memorial Tournament. I thought I would have a good sleep last night to make up. Went to bed at 11pm. And what time did I wake up? 4am. Hopefully tonight is better!

Sunday, November 5, 2017


Today I ran out of vegetables so for dinner the "vegetable" was mango. It turned out surprisingly well- BBQ chicken, fries and mango.

James had a game but they were so worn out from playing the very strong team that they did not win this one.

Rustle was good - very full. Brendan talked about hypocrisy and how to combat it.
Speaking of this, I watched a dateline murder mystery today about a son who attacked his parents because he had been forging their names on loans and was in quite a bit of trouble and wanted their life insurance. The mother survived but can't believe that he did it- wants to keep everything still white washed.

Saturday, November 4, 2017

daylight savings

At Loblaws today I learned the effects of the changes at PC financial as I couldn't use my debit card for the points and I had difficulty paying as well. Worked out the paying but the site is down for maintenance so I can't merge my new points card with my old points card.

Today did cleaning and ironing, other than some shopping.

A bad day for pedestrians

There was a bad accident with a bus and pedestrian here. There were 4 in Toronto. One in Ottawa. All fatalities. Some blamed that it was so dark in the mornings. Change in time occurs this weekend. Hopefully, that will make things safer for pedestrians, but it generally is pretty dangerous, today things seemed to peak.

James' team was playing one of the top teams in Ontario. Almost their whole team is on the points leader scoreboard above even the top one from James' team. They are a deep team and they win almost every game. But tonight James' team beat all the odds and won!