Saturday, August 28, 2021


 James wanted Harvey's tonight so I ordered online and was only in the store for less than a minute to pick up. A fancy new pandemic feature. However, it seemed more expensive than before the pandemic. It cost over $30. And Chef's plate is only about $20 and way healthier. but James was pleased anyway.

I got the Mod 2 groupings done and sent off and started work on the course website. Tomorrow I have to finish that website and fix another website that is acting up. We have not received all our parts for our project so we may have to rethink the project. The fun of the last week before classes start. I probably should work on enrollments tomorrow as well as the enrollment site opens to students again on Monday and tends to get bogged down when that happens. So a lot on deck!

Friday, August 27, 2021


 The last 24 hours have been focused on working on grouping. I stayed up very late working on them and I finished up just before lunch and then in a meeting with ITS about something else convinced them to upload my file. So now I need to do the clean up. Then hoping to release them on Monday.

Still a lot to do on the weekend.

Monday, August 23, 2021


 James had difficulty sleeping because of the arm but has taken it easy today and seems to be improving. He has a physio appointment tomorrow to check him out.

I was in meetings today like all day and only survived the day by working most of the weekend. I would say most of the students are in their fall term classes, though we are still waiting on the province to waive social distancing in order to roll out the classes in 2 weeks. About 200 emails clicked in while I was in all the meetings.

arm drama

 James hit the ice during a game and injured his shoulder. Had to spend many hours in the hospital but he is ok. He was very hungry by the end of the day so he got Dominos as comfort food to make him feel better.

Saturday, August 21, 2021

Raccoon on the job site

 This morning I biked to Metro and as I was walking by a large construction site there was a construction worker walking out with a live trap with a very large racoon inside it. The raccoon didn't seem angry just confused. I wondered where he was taking him. Just funny to see.

Sunday, August 15, 2021


 I didn't sleep well last night being woken up a few times due to sirens and at 5am due to racoons. I did get to Lake Ontario Park which was very nice early. I saw a heron but didn't take a picture as I didn't want to disturb it. Everything seems to have cooled off a bit so I wore long sleeves and a sweater. 

In the morning I watched Elevation and Rustle online.

I saw Sarah before dinner, then made dinner, did personal email, Rustle finances and then worked for a few hours on work email just to make sure that I make it through the day tomorrow. Lots of meetings!

I also meant to write about the trip of James' laptop last week. His laptop broke and I ordered a new one. It left from Ottawa due to arrive the next day. The next day it arrived in St. Laurent, QC and apparently "missed its connection". It spent the day in Quebec and apparently caught the connection the next day which saw it travel to Guelph and then to Kingston!

Penguin chicks rescued by unlikely hero | Spy in the Snow - BBC

on the go

 Yesterday Kim and I went for a walk at 6am. While we did not see many people, we had been thinking we would see more wildlife. It was a good time to go for a walk if you like quiet. By 7am there were some dog walkers out. We got back and then I biked to Metro for chicken and walked to Shoppers for eggs. Then I ran a bunch of other errands so was out until 2pm. Looking at my tracker it was about 10km of walking and 4 km of biking.

Today I may bike down to lake ontario park as I am up early enough. I have to bike to deliver things later in the afternoon but expect to have a more at home day than yesterday. I have to clean the bathrooms and the dishes and laundry, do Rustle finances and answer work email.

Thursday, August 12, 2021



I meant to write on Tuesday as there were some things I saw that I wished could be unseen so I had the post all planned but then I don't know what happened so here was the planned post. I biked to Metro then on the bike ride back I saw a lady stop briefly at the stop sign and look briefly down the street and immediately pulled out. She hadn't seem me at all but I was back far enough that is was ok.

The traffic light ahead was red so she had to stop. She wanted to turn left. Even though the light was still red, she rolled forward until she was all the way through the intersection and then she made her left. All while the light was red. The car in the right hand lane honked at her but she didn't care. She was gone.

Later in the day I was working at my computer and I saw the neighbour son come out of the shed and instead of walking a few feet to the house he dropped his drawers and peed against the shed. It really wasn't far to the house!

Then that night we had the biggest thunderstorm. So loud and light. The ground was shaking. Sirens were shooting through the town. I wasn't really able to sleep after that. So I went into a full day of meetings with almost no sleep.

Todd mentioned that I seemed like a very worn out version of myself. 2021 has been much more difficult than 2020.

The rain poured down again at noon and I had to take my laundry in and got soaked in the process. But as quickly as it came it went and I got the laundry  out again.

Today I went to Food Basics and picked up some basics. I had hoped to pick up some bags for our course materials (we need 400) but the packages were too small. So Deborah came to the rescue and picked some up at Costco for me.

The problems to solve have ratchet up to 100 as we are in the end stage of our march to September. I am too tired tonight to manage too much more.

Monday, August 9, 2021

keeping track


My work email keeps track of how many emails I send. It is a lot. I am tired!

Today was a very stressful day and I didn't even get through everything I wanted to get through. The emails do get in the way of actually getting through work!

Had to order James a new laptop because his went kaput.

Sunday, August 8, 2021

black water dish

 When we started having hot days I put a black plastic take out container with water in it. The grackles are over the moon for it. The squirrels like it as well and sometimes tip it over. Then the grackles will peck at it until I fill it up again.

I went to Shoppers this morning and as I walked home I saw a male cardinal that had been killed by a car. So very sad as the cardinal couple had been a staple in the neighbourhood.

I had planned on being more productive this evening but I found out that midsomer murders are on at 9pm on Sundays and that sucked away some of my time.

Saturday, August 7, 2021

Simone to bronze

 I was up really early for 3 days in a row for the event finals then I was busy loading students into courses. So it has been a busy week. Today I took a break to walk for a few hours with Deborah. I got my new amazon order of power pods and I am trying the first one out with some very dirty whites. We'll see if it is as successful as with hockey equipment. James is in a hockey tournament this weekend so there will be more hockey things for the power pods soon.

Monday, August 2, 2021

Danish Road Safety Council / Helmet has always been a good idea

Jade to gold

 Woke up early again for final session #2. It was also worth it to see the women compete their best for the most part.

Waiting to hear from Kim to see if she wants to walk.

I have some course loading to do later.

Sunday, August 1, 2021

disintegrating crown

 When I went to the dentist to get my failed real crown they had been hoping that my temporary crown had fallen off. But it is hanging on. It is getting a bit spongey though.

I woke up very early to watch event finals. It was worth it though TSN switched which channel the competition was on at some point and it took me some time to figure that out.

Then I biked down to Metro to pick up some meat and went to shoppers to pick up some sales.

Then I started the long process of loading the students into courses. There was something wrong with the labs for one course so it took me some time to fix that. But I got it done.

Because of the early start I am ready for bed now. Will just do a few more chores to keep myself awake. There is another final tomorrow morning that I'll think I'll be up for. Kim and I are thinking of going for a walk if everything is good.

Skinner to silver

 Worth waking up at 4am to see one of my favorites perform so well!