Saturday, February 24, 2018

when loblaws lets you down

This morning I went to Loblaws and they didn't have available a number of the things that I wanted to buy. A particular bulk food that I wanted to buy as a gift. The fresh bread that we like. The breakfast bars that I buy. Nothing. They had none of these things! So it was a rather disappointing trip.

Then Kim and I went to Rustle to move a filing cabinet. Kim did a great job tying it to the cart. We got it placed a-ok and were leaving and Kim somehow missed the top step of the 5 steps and she went flying down the steps but somehow landed on her feet. Though it was a real jar to the body so she will be sore for a while. Hopefully she heals up soon!

Friday, February 23, 2018

laundry in waiting

The laundry machine still has not sorted out how to spin out but I have worked out a system that seems to work. I put only about 1/2 load in. It spins until there are about 6 minutes left so they aren't as spun out as they should be.  I throw it in the dryer for a longer time. As things take a lot longer to do, there are piles of laundry backed up. I hope the new one arrives on Tuesday!

I am unsure of how to get all my work done next week. I have timetabling, team issues, interviews as well as the continuing email.

updated office

The new look

 Tuesday night was hockey night. Wed made Chicken pot pie (I think I had this recipe before, still good)

 Wed after dinner was Sistas
Tonight was sea asparagus!

Also good!

Sunday, February 18, 2018

temporary office

They cleaned the floors in the office after they had taken all the old furniture away

 My temporary office
 The start of the rebuild

 Friday night we had a ladies night at Nancy's

It was a reunion of sorts as we hadn't been all together like this in 20 years. We were missing some. Plan to do another evening in a month!

Washing machine has forgotten how to spin out, so am going back to Fisher and Paykel.
Now it is after midnight and I need to get the tax receipts ready to hand out tomorrow.

Friday, February 16, 2018

new office

On top of midterm week, we are undergoing office renovations. Goodbye old faithful desk. Pieces are labeled for where they are going, like Scrooge's old belongings.

Sunday, February 11, 2018


Today I had a lot to do before I left for Rustle- dishes, iron James' clothes for the game, etc.

Went to Rustle but only stayed until noon so had to leave before the message. Got to the krock through light freezing rain and managed to find the place to be trained for the work as they changed from a paper based raffle to an electronic system. I managed to work it, mostly. The credit cards were the most challenging! I sold the winning ticket to Ruby

The freezing rain was done by the time that I walked home but still James' game was cancelled and so was my alpha wrap up.

I did some shovelling before bed as the temp is supposed to drop. Still a lot of ice on my driveway.

Saturday, February 10, 2018

peak week

This past week was busy in a lot of ways. An essay in one of my courses had be reading papers until late in the night on Thursday. Today I need to write the marking guide.

Tomorrow I have Rustle in the morning and then have to go to the K-rock to sell raffle tickets as part of my hockey responsibilities. Then back to Rustle for an Alpha review session.
Monday, there is a board meeting after work, so I won't be home much.

Sunday, February 4, 2018


Waking up this morning was a bit of a challenge as I kept falling asleep again instead of getting up! I had enough time to shower, eat and head to Rustle.

Todd talked about the Rustle desire to help the neighbourhood based on Mark 1 how the whole city was interested in Jesus. Christine read a beautiful poem that she had written about how Rustle helped her. In the evening they had a superbowl party. I instead had a cleaning party in the bathroom! A toilet bowl party. lol.

There was a lot of snow in the morning so the Oshawa team cancelled the game for tonight. Maybe they also wanted to see the superbowl!

Saturday, February 3, 2018


Today I started with a trip to SDM where I received a new PC optimum card. The optimum points transferred over ok but she told me I would need to go to Loblaws or online to swap the PC points.
I went online when I got home, but the points did not swap. So I went to Loblaws and told multiple people but they also could not swap my points and told me to call the phone number. Called the phone # and after being on hold for 45 minutes, they told me that their computer system is having problems and to try again on Monday.
But I did use up my optimum points that I could now use at loblaws (as I had no more PC points) and got most of my groceries free. So at least that was a good thing!

In the evening there was a memorial for a 16 year old who died of MS. Lots of fireworks to remember him and a big bonfire. They live in an old church that they are renovating so that was interesting to see. It was a nice memory for them.