Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Goodbye 2024

 In the last few days we finalized most of the marks and got them posted as an end of year gift. Hopefully the students appreciated it.

I got a jury duty summons by email. Which I thought was a scam at first but appears to be real.

We bought a dishwasher which hopefully will arrive on Thursday.

I didn't sleep well last night so I am just waiting for the washer to finish up and then will head to bed. No midnight seeing the year in for me!

Monday, December 30, 2024

Laundry rack

 I was running short of space to hang laundry in the basement and Canadian Tire had a boxing day sale on laundry racks. I had purchased my original laundry rack from Canadian Tire that I like and so I thought it would be good to purchase a second. Well, I found what I thought was my original rack. Priced originally at $80 and on sale for $40. However, when I got it home I realized while it looked like my original it is nowhere near as sturdy as the original. It wasn't even balanced. But luckily as it was so un-sturdy I was able to twist it and get it to balance and it is functional. But it is definitely not worth $80 or even $40 really.

Brian and I were working on finishing up the grades, they aren't quite done but getting close!

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Going to the big boots

 Last night was the first real snowfall and I had to transition from the shoe boot to the real boot. Sidewalks were bad but my boots were hardy. They are fantastic Columbia boots with no structure so they are super soft and don't dig in but also very warm. I discovered them in a boot sale many years ago. I think they had not sold because they were purple but if you can get past the colour they were very good boots. Since then, I have only been able to find them in beige on Amazon, which functionally works. I am not sure why they don't have black but for me the style is more important than the colour.

Tomorrow is Christmas, heading to see the parents!

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

First Canada Post delivery

 I received my first Canada Post delivery and it was a Bell Bill due Nov 21. Luckily I got the e-version and had already paid it. We'll see what tomorrow brings. They say they will be accepting new mail starting on Thursday but the backlog sounds pretty overwhelming.

I spent today doing interviews and trying to manage the gradebook for the course that includes many complicated calculations!

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Ice sheets to snow flurries

 A few days ago there were ice sheets over everything. Then that melted and I now see snow flurries outside the window.

James is back in Toronto again. He called me one night to say his drivers license had expired. The hotel person told him when he showed ID. I thought these sorts of things expired on one's birthday. Apparently not for James. Luckily, these sorts of things can be renewed online. Though who knows when he will receive the new one with the Canada Post issues! 

Since service ontario no longer mails reminders (even without the Canada Post issues) it is good to sign up for their email reminder service! Get ServiceOntario renewal reminders | ontario.ca

Monday, December 9, 2024

Road trip

 Julie and I took a road trip down to Elevation this weekend. Saturday we got to hang out at Kelly's new awesome place! It was nice to see the girls and hang out and have a nice dinner in person.

The weather was not too bad- a bit snowy but not much accumulation. Traffic was bad in Toronto but that was expected.

We stayed at Keith's - he is 94 and still a great host. He is thinking of selling the place and going to live with his son.

Then on Sunday we went to Elevation, both services. Jasmine found that they had taken a photo of me that was used in Kristin's Instagram!

This is Julie and I arriving:

After the services, Julie dropped me at my parents where we had a lovely Sunday dinner. James was returning from Niagara Falls so he stopped by as well and we drove home together. Got a good pic before we left:

The traffic was very heavy on the way home. Not sure why Sunday evening was such a popular travel time!

Today was freezing rain. I went to the grocery store before it started and it wasn't busy like it normally is when a storm is rolling in. James also had his activities cancelled so we all stayed home in the frozen expanse of the land.

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Tiny snow balls

 Yesterday I walked to Loblaws looking at grey/black clouds approaching. When I left Loblaws those clouds were overhead and precipitating tiny snow balls. Like not flakes, little balls. They looked pretty cute so I counted them as my light in the darkness for yesterday.

I had hours of zoom meetings last night and then had to make tacos so I got to bed pretty late.

I bought some things over the Black Friday/Cyber Monday and am having an interesting time tracking them. I assume other carriers are more overburdened with the Canada Post strike.

The item that I bought for James from Best Buy when I purchased it said it would arrive Dec 3. It also said it was in Kingston. Then it said it had missed its connection and would arrive Dec 5. Then yesterday it said it was on the truck and would arrive Dec 3. Then it was back in the warehouse, which is apparently where it still is.

Monday, December 2, 2024

Himalayan Monal | Most unreal looking high altitude pheasant

Today's light in the darkness of winter is the Monal. Such a beautiful outfit for such a harsh environment.

Today I went to Food Basics, washed lots of dishes and tried to catch up on my email. Tomorrow we have our last Fall term training session and last Board meeting of the year!

Sunday, December 1, 2024


 I had some interesting shopping experiences in the last week or so.

1. The Metro/Food Basics company came out with a new rewards program called Moi rewards. I downloaded it for when I went to Food Basics but then when I went to Metro they told me I had to download the Metro Moi rewards. So they are the same but different. Some unification may be helpful here.

2.Shopped at Best Buy Black Friday sale. Needed to wait in the online queue as I guess a lot of people were shopping. But they didn't tell me that I needed to complete the purchase within 10 minutes. I got looped into a circular error as I evidently took more than 10 minutes. I had to get back in the queue and try again.

3. I went to Mark's to get a very specific shoe boot Skechers Women's Easy Going Cozy Escape Zip Boot | Marks and there weren't any on display and I asked the staff member and he knew exactly where they were. Excellent experience with that staff.

I am trying to have a better attitude toward winter as I don't like cold or snow or really anything about winter.

Today I am thankful for the sunshine. When on a cold and dark walk I appreciate the sunshine that warms you. If you didn't have the cold and darkness, you wouldn't be so thankful for the sunshine.

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

A long day

 Today I start with a training session at 8:30am and end with a test from 7:30-8:30pm. A full day!

I did not realize when I posted about the Cinderhill fire that I knew one of the families displaced. They are now staying at a hotel, looking for a new place.

The early darkness and chill is restricting my bike abilities.

Friday, November 8, 2024



I have not been to this community and feel very bad for the families- maybe it wasn't a good idea in retrospect to call it Cinderhill St. Building so many houses close together makes for a higher risk for fire spreading though new builds you would think have more fire protective materials.

Today in the middle of our big printing push, some of our printers started to fail. I think that we are back on track though.

One amazon package arrived and one is still lost somewhere in Mount Hope.

What coat do I wear today?

 We are in the season where it is very difficult to predict which coat I will need to wear each day. I have been able to keep up some biking, which is impressive.

I put in an order on Amazon and they decided to break it up into 2 packages which they said was so I could receive them quicker but most likely was actually because they were coming from different warehouses. One was coming from Alberta and one from BC. They both arrived in the amazon facility in Mount Hope within hours of each other. However, the package that was supposed to arrive first never made it out and is now listed as "delayed in transit" for another week.

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Vesper sparrows

When I went on my biking trek on Saturday through the Oak St. garden I saw heaps of Vesper sparrows. I'm guessing they were migrating and stopping for some delicious grubs in the gardens. I can't recall seeing them before. 

© John Reynolds / Macaulay Library

I have tried some of my British treats- the ones called French cakes or something like that (the main reason for my trip) were absolutely divine and worth the trip (along with the curry chicken pie). The club biscuits were slightly stale but maybe that is some of their charm. They were ok. The jaffa cakes were also ok. The orange smarties did not taste like the orange smarties of old. They were ok. The orange Aero was very good.

I got some important things to the printer today- it was due on Monday so just a wee bit late. Normally Wed is my remote day- I have a remote training session at 8:30am, got my submission to the printer and then went in for an in person day until 6:30pm. 

Had a naan bread for dinner and went to my group but then James came home at 8pm and I made him dinner and then we worked on statistics for many hours.

Saturday, November 2, 2024

British adventure

 A new British bakery opened a few days ago. As the location is close to the 401 and biking season is almost over I decided to check it out today, knowing it would be busy as it was a new opening.

The first section of the trip is a bike ride through the Oak St. gardens  to the division St. bridge. I can't bike over the bridge so I walked that bit. Then biked to the Landmark studio that had a bike rack for parking. Then I walked to the British bakery.

The lineup was through the whole store so it allowed you to look at the aisles as you waited. The store is pretty small so the lineup was a square through the whole store. The lineup took an hour. During the lineup is where you can pick up grocery items. I chose some treats. I had especially wanted to get the Mr. Kipling's as I remember the British family serving them. I haven't tried them yet- I hope they taste as good. At the end you get to the bakery portion. I didn't know what most of the things were but I picked out a chicken curry pie for $7.50. I ate it as soon as I got home and this pie was worth the trip. It was incredible!

Monday, October 28, 2024


 James is fighting an ear infection and probably a lung infection as well. He had the presence of mind to tell the doctor that he can't swallow pills and she prescribed him chewable antibiotics but they didn't have any at the pharmacy so he got stuff to sprinkle on feed. We have devised a process for this as he'll have a few bites of yogurt with the medicine. Seems to work.

He really needs to rest to get better but he spent the whole weekend at the rink.

Friday, October 25, 2024

Power lines

 As I was walking home I heard an electric crackle and saw a fire between some wires on a telephone pole. I thought that a drone had hit the power lines. Then the fire went out and something black plummeted from the power lines. I still thought it was a drone at the time, burned. But it hit the ground with a thud. It was a squirrel. Dangers on the ground from cars and dangers in the air from the power. And yet, there are still so many of them.

Sunday, October 20, 2024

All over town

 I went to meet with Deirdre at 8am at her hotel. I picked a route that had bike lanes so it was a longer route. We hung out at Tim Hortons for a bit. I then biked over to Rustle to do AV. Then biked home. Probably 17-18km. James went golfing as the weather was so nice. I made him steak, rice broccoli when he got back, then made a pot of soup so he can heat it up tomorrow as I have an extra long day.

Monday, October 14, 2024

Winter coat

 It was very chilly this morning so I needed to wear my winter coat to Loblaws. Loblaws was pretty quiet but the self checkout computers were having some issues to that cashier was busy.

I did some laundry and dishes and then took a nice nap in the afternoon.

For dinner I picked up Barburrito. I was able to wear a fall coat as it had warmed up a bit during the day. Tonight, James wants my help as he is practicing for a group presentation tomorrow.

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Mornings are now colder and darker

 Normally I get up earlier than usual on Wed to put out the garbage so that it doesn't get ripped into overnight. It was always light at this time. This week it was dark. I'll probably fall back to putting it out the night before.

Yesterday, due to the cooler weather and the need to bike I wore my next halara outfit of the black pants and top. It was indeed very comfortable and warm. I will need to go back to wearing tights with dresses again. 

Yesterday we had 3 classes making progress on their projects. I just managed email. Today is 4 classes and they are tech sessions so our technical TAs will be attending.

Last night for the chef's plate meal it was spaghetti with meat and peppers with hoisin sauce. Which ended up being so late I had to eat it while at my e-group.

Friday, October 4, 2024

Accessible door

 We are having an accessible door put in our office that somewhat confuses me as our door is pretty much always open. I guess it is in case staff need it?

Tomorrow I have a number of meetings and training sessions and lots of work to get done, not sure how the two will mix.

Monday, September 23, 2024

shots fired

 Karen, Sandi and Sandi's son Justin and I spent the weekend attending a conference at Desert Stream. It was really good. Barry was the speaker and I have known him and Tammy for many years so it was so good to see them again. When we arrived at Desert Stream this evening there was a police officer there in an unmarked truck. Apparently there had been shots fired nearby. I am not sure if the officer was warning them or looking for a suspect. We arrived pretty early so there weren't a lot of people around, so not too many to check for suspects. The officer peeled out of the parking lot before we had entered the building. Karen had been in Belleville earlier in the day so was going to meet us at Desert Stream. She had picked up some dinner (hummus and crackers) and went to a park nearby to eat it. Unfortunately for her the shots fired call came from close to where she was enjoying her food. Maybe even in the park itself. She was detained! And of course her phone was dead so she couldn't call us to let us know. Eventually, the police officer let her use his phone but I didn't hear it ring (and the call name was from "unknown caller") so we couldn't come to rescue her. They likely were detaining her for her safety and not because she was a suspect. They eventually decided it was duck hunters and let her go and she arrived just as the service was starting. A pretty exciting day for her!

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Halara Day

 It has been a busy few weeks. Today was very long.

Today was Halara Day so I put in an order in the morning. I knew that it the special for the day was going to be a free pair of pants so I had looked at pants to pick the one I was interested in. But when I logged into my basket, there was only one kind of pants with 2 colour options. The pants weren't one of the ones with the "petite" option so I'm a bit worried that they may be too long. I would have chosen petite if that was an option. There were 2 colour options, one orangey and one black so I went for the safer black one. I also got a dress, a shirt and a skirt (which hopefully will go together) so 4 pieces of clothing for $100. Not bad for Halara Day!

Monday, September 2, 2024

Happy Birthday to my Dad!

Had a nice visit with the parents yesterday. The week has been a scramble to get ready for classes. Need to go into the office to get some printing done. Still lots to do today!

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

The big push

 I worked until 1:30am today as I was trying to get student registrations in before the synch happened with the course websites as that happens overnight. I need the synch to happen for the next steps for uploading the groups.

James also is not sleeping because his team beat Quinte. He is smiling ear to ear!

6am will arrive very soon.

Saturday, August 24, 2024


 The squirrels are running around very busy in this season. They seem to like whatever the Japanese maple is growing.

I had a sedentary day but my squirrels are all on the inside. Today I got the 101 and 102 teams done and worked on some course enrollment. Still a lot to do!

Thursday, August 22, 2024


 When I left work on Monday the weather had suddenly turned cold.

This week it has randomly rained on my at odd times.

I went to No Frills for the first time in a few years and it wasn't the cheaper version of Loblaws anymore, many of the prices were the same as loblaws and some were even higher. There were a few things that were cheaper but overall disappointing.

Went to the dentist for a cleaning and they also worked on fixing my bite that was slightly off on one side.

I am working on enrolment and hiring at work right now. Next week will need to work on course updates.

Monday, August 12, 2024

Wind blowing

 I had a successful time with laundry yesterday with the winds blowing before the rain. Luckily the rain was over when I walked to see Anne-Marie's play. It was in the Baby Grand which was a very tiny stage and seated an audience of maybe 60 at most. There were only 4 rows for the audience so the audience was almost on top of the performers. Anne-Marie was brilliant, as usual.

Today, James had to be at work for 7am so I also went in early. Had a number of meetings but just tried to get on top of my email. Did not succeed.

Friday, August 9, 2024

Heavy rain

 I woke up this morning at 4am as the rain came pouring down. The walk into work was only light rain. James got home from work before me so walked down to my office in the rain to pick me up and we walked home also in light rain.

Tomorrow James needs to leave at 8am to go to Trenton for a soccer tournament (he is coaching). He is heading to see my parents at 4pm. Sunday the first game is at 11am. He has a skate in Belleville on Sunday 6:15 so is planning on heading back to see my parents in any down time. So nice for him. Hopefully also nice for them!

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Dramatic backyard

 While I was hanging laundry this morning, the red squirrel was being super aggressive with other squirrels sending many of them scattering for cover. It did not seem to attack the bunny, just other squirrels. At one point a large grey with the red squirrel hot on her heels ran across the garage toward me. Apparently I am safer than a tiny red squirrel (half the size of the grey). But the red squirrel decided not to come closer to me and the grey was saved. She sat for a minute, muttered a bit under her breath and quietly ran off in the opposite direction of the red squirrel.

In the meantime, the neighbour behind us was talking very loudly about her eviction notice and how she had paid rent every month except this month. The landlord claimed it was shared accommodations (which it sounds like it is) and so he only needed to give 2 weeks notice. He settled with her for $2000 to apparently get rid of her. 

Friday, July 26, 2024

Opening olympics

 I watched some of the opening ceremonies for Paris 2024. I really liked the arrival by boat instead of the marching in as the marching always took so long. This seemed to speed things up. I kept thinking of all the organization involved though. I also liked the mechanical horse on the water, it was an interesting contraption and how it changed into a real horse when they landed (a substitution).

Thursday, July 25, 2024


 We now have a whole roof. I'll need to download my pictures for before and after.

I placed an amazon order as James needed some antiseptic spray and it was cheapest on amazon. It was delivered fairly quickly by intelcom but I didn't receive any emails like they normally send. I just looked in my amazon orders to see where it was and it said it was delivered so I had to look for it. The other part of the order was a cardigan. I had my eye on it for a while as I liked the colour blocking on it. I checked the reviews and they were pretty mixed. The brand listed on amazon was "OEANBE" which I just found I couldn't find anything about the brand online. So I am not sure if it is a real brand? When I ordered it, it was listed as the last one in stock  and I can't find a listing for it now, so I think that was true. When the cardigan came there was no brand information at all. The tag only said "M" for the size. Despite all the sketichiness of that it is a very lovely cardigan, very soft. 

Monday, July 22, 2024

Half a roof

 The roofers came today, hopeful to complete everything in one day. A lot of young lads to have the energy to be in the sun all day. They made good progress in ripping the old roof off. The back porch is a tinge of black. Black bits came in the windows as well. The AC had to be off because it was tarped. I swapped my remote day from Wed to Mon in case they needed me, but indeed, they did not. They worked a long day. At the start of the day they were hopeful to get it all done in one day. There was a small army of people, but that did not end up working out. They got a majority of the way though.

Today I mainly managed emails and tried to solve problems and had a few meetings. Tomorrow is a lot of course planning,

Sunday, July 21, 2024

White car

 As James came home with a large # of bugs dead on the front of the car, I cleaned the car over 2 days and it looked so much better. Like when I cleaned the windows, it only took hours for a bird to poop on it. And the one on the car was a nasty black one that dripped all the way down the door. I had to clean again.

James had a good time in Rochester though he wasn't too happy about having 8am games Sat and Sun. He works again at a hockey camp this week.

Tomorrow the roofers are supposed to arrive to install a new roof, though it is looking to be a hot one, not sure if they work the whole day.

Friday, July 19, 2024

WWII bombers

 Some WWII bombers are visiting Kingston. You can tour them and they offer flights for about $500. One flew over my head today. An interesting feeling to think about all the previous people in a past era who had them fly overhead as well.

I was supposed to have a vacation day today. Helped James get off to Rochester for a soccer tournament he is coaching. One of our onQ sites had a mega-disaster, unrelated to the other technological mega disaster that disrupted companies today. Not quite sure what is wrong with it, I tried to fix it, I called IT, none of their suggestions worked. Have left it on their plate to fix next week.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Against the storm

 I had a more sedentary day yesterday and my hip was stiffer so I was worried that things were going backward but today it had improved significantly.

I had to race to Food Basics to make it before the storm and I mostly made it.

James drove to try to find a tornado on his lunch but he failed.

For some reason a bunch more students seemed to have matriculated. I am not sure where they came from so that made today more challenging. A 9 hour day!

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Healing hip

 My hip is improving. I was worried because we had 2 days of summer orientation which involved a lot of standing and I thought it might aggravate it but things seem to be getting better.

There was more rain and now the flowers are even flatter, if that is even possible.

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Very flat flowers

 After all the rain, my flat flowers are even flatter.

There are baby robins sitting patiently in the rain waiting for their meals.

James woke up yesterday with a knot in his neck and had to get physio.

I managed to pull a muscle in my behind. I feel like this happened before and Sarah said it was related to my hip and she moved the knot and then I had to do a bunch of exercises and it was better. But clearly a point of weakness if I need to go through this again!

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

The demise of the Loblaws garden center

 On July 1 they cleared out the garden center and put it closer to Loblaws with all the plants 0.99. The next time I went by, they were all listed as "free" but they looked very sad. Today, they were all gone.

Since the cupboard was painted I could clear up the front hall.

I mowed the front lawn.

Expecting chef's plate tomorrow and rain!

Sunday, July 7, 2024


 This morning I woke up at 3:30am. It was not long before the birds got up. Around 6 I biked to Lake Ontario park. It had just rained so everything was still pretty wet. The park workers start early every time I go, they drive the loud carts around which isn't as nice for the experience but good that they are caring for the park.

In the afternoon I went to Wokeya's celebration of life. It was nice to see everyone gathered together but sad for the occasion.

I needed a nap after all that!

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Stir fry

 I made a very easy stir fry- I cut up broccoli, celery, peppers that I had in the fridge and I picked up matchstick carrots. I cooked them up until they softened and then added some soy sauce and ginger.  Then added some cooked udon noodles. Was super fast to make and tasted ok. Healthy too!

When I left for work there was a fire truck in front of the neighbour's house and they were all standing outside. I thought the fire truck was leaving when I left for work but they stayed for over an hour so there must have been a real problem.

I was working on loading class schedules for the students but the internet was very slow at work. Things went much better when I brought it home.

I also painted the closet door, still trying to make progress.

Monday, July 1, 2024

Bird "bath"

 I have seen no birds bathing in  the bird bath, however, it is a hot spot for finches to get their drinking water. Happy finches!

James walked in the Canada Day parade in Grand Falls as a former Rapid. He also played many hours of golf.

Turkey vulture

 I fell asleep listening to Mikayla's commentary of the olympic trials and had to wait until the morning to see who the #5 gymnast was (the first 4 were locks).

I woke up at 5:30am and was oddly dizzy. This got better rapidly after I got moving but wasn't altogether gone until I had a nap around noon and things reset.

My phone also oddly glitched and I had to do a complicated restart. Now it has reset and is back to normal.

I biked down to Ontario Park at 7am. It was really nice. Lots of squirrels! Couldn't take pictures because my phone had glitched.

Biking back on one driveway on Johnson St. there was a dead racoon. Not sure if it had been hit by a car as it was a bit of a way from the road or if it had some other demise but there was a HUGE turkey vulture with it. So fascinating to see so close to the road.

Sunday, June 30, 2024

James is in N.B.

 James woke up early, showered, packed the car and left. He had a spot of difficulty as he had his phone in the sun and it was giving him directions but he sheltered it and when it cooled down he was able to have the navigation again. Things were slow around Quebec city but the rest seemed ok.

I hadn't put out laundry today due to the threat of rain but that was a mistake. I got home from a committee meeting at 3pm and Kim showed up to pick up some things. Then I managed to hang the laundry and had it out for a bit. There was sun and a good breeze so it was drying pretty quickly. But then clouds came up and I got the laundry back in just before the rain came down.

Today is day 2 of the us gymnastics olympic trials. We don't get the video here but I listen to a us former gymnast on youtube watch it with her commentary and that is really good and then I can watch the video when it is posted later.

Saturday, June 29, 2024

pom poms flattened

 All the rain flattened the pom pom flowers so they are now horizontal flowers instead of vertical ones.

There was a blockage in the gutter so I had to go up and unplug it, it is freely flowing now. 

Things got sorted out for the T3010 as the bookeeper had received documents from the auditor on the 26th and my documents were from the 24th so that sorted out the discrepancy. I got it postmarked and mailed just before the post office closed at 5pm. Whew.

The closet is finished with the painting, just waiting for it to dry before refilling it with stuff. I need to paint the door next.

Break in the rain

 I made it to Food Basics and back mostly in a break in the rain. Now it is coming down in sheets.

As I went around 8am it wasn't very busy but the line up for the cashier was very long. There was no lineup at the self checkout. I guess noone at the cashier was comfortable with the self checkout.

I am still trying to get the T3010 form completed, I am just hoping that the bookeeper will get back to me today as it needs to be filed tomorrow and there is still a discrepancy that I don't understand.

Friday, June 28, 2024

Olympic trials day 1

 Today was the first day of the US women's gymnastics Olympic trials. There were a few injuries to key players so the Olympic team will look different than thought going into the trials.

The T3010 for Rustle's charitable status is due June 30 I am just waiting for some financial documents from the bookeeper and am a bit worried that he may be away for the long weekend.

My sleep last night was not very good so the day was not as productive as I had hoped.

James had friends over to watch the draft and they seemed to have a good time, playing ping pong while watching.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Second coat of paint

 The first coat of paint in the closet took 3 hard hours. The second coat of paint only took 1 hour. It is looking so much better now. I just need to do touch ups before it can be used. I am pretty pleased, though made no progress today because I had my group in the evening. Should finish off the closet tomorrow. Though I haven't started the door yet. Am working in stages.

James is planning his trip out East. He's a good planner!

Monday, June 24, 2024

James made his own dinner

 Yes, he had to go out for a soccer game in the early evening and he made himself a plate of nachos with ground beef left over from last night. He had a second dinner of chicken, rice and broccoli when he returned about 9pm. 

I put a first coat of white paint on the yucky beige in the front hall closet. I am not sure white was the best choice but it apparently is the only thing I paint with. It was a lot of work for a small closet. The angles were difficult and it was very hot for the small enclosed space. I did the best I could with a roller and a large paintbrush. Only because I could find a smaller one. Will need to pick up more at the dollar store.

Sunday, June 23, 2024

rain delay

 I did not make a lot of progress on Saturday because of a guy who was yelling outside at 4:30am. Likely drunk. Then all the rain delayed my shopping trip. Loblaws was indeed busy in the afternoon but there was no stick bread available. Or hand baskets. I was very tried all day.

Last night I got almost 8 hours of sleep, which was a lot for me and it made such a difference. Ebe spoke at Rustle. Christine was there after being missing for a while. She had discovered a murder victim about a month ago which has been freaking her out. I cleaned out the front closet in preparation for painting.

Friday, June 21, 2024

game 6

 James has some friends over to watch Game 6. He thought Florida would win, but so far they are not.

We had a good lunch with our summer crew. Pork medallions and pasta to celebrate women in Engineering.

I covered my heel rip with a bandaid and then my heel ripped in a new spot but I got it under control with another bandaid and all seems good now.

The timetable for next year dropped, hopefully not much needs to change before I need to load students into courses.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

racing before the storm

 At the end of the day it looked like a storm was rolling in so I walked as quickly as I could home. But other than a small sprinkle, the storm moved north. So nothing to be concerned about.

Today we had a special speaker and there was a fire alarm halfway through. I guessed that maybe Starbucks burned something. We all went to another hall. The speaker said if there were sirens at the new location we know that the problem is with us. The rest of the session went ok though.

Tomorrow we are doing a lot of work on the APSC 101 preparation. We have the Women in Engineering lunch. Then an exam in the afternoon!

Wednesday, June 19, 2024


 The robins fixed up their old nest that they made in early May that ended up being destroyed by a squirrel taking shelter in the rain. We'll see if they end up using it.

I started wearing my summer shoes and one of them has caused a giant blister. The other foot had no blisters at all.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

oriental peony compilation from May over various days

They are long dead now but just getting to the photos now. They were nice while they lasted.

Today I went to Food Basics, Rustle, watched Elevation while I ate lunch. Made spicy steak for James. Then made soupe and cleaned kitchen. Load of laundry dried nicely outside. Neighbours were ongoing loud. They had a nice weekend!


Saturday, June 15, 2024


 Apparently the neighbours that back onto the back yard had a party last night. I think I heard it was a birthday. There was some singing. I shut my window and that seemed to keep the noise out. Good thing as it was chilly last night!

Today I got groceries did lots of laundry and worked on cleaning the kitchen. I still need to finish up the kitchen and work on the bathrooms this evening.

Loblaws was very busy but as I was just buying some stick bread and a large salad I made it through quickly.

Friday, June 14, 2024


 Today was a challenging day as there was a lot of organizing to do. Work to sort out the new car and the pickup of the old car. James was unsure if he would be comfortable driving the new car but he loved it. I picked up a new dashcam and we installed it.

I also have to sort out paying the property tax and had a company come to give a quote on the roof. Which apparently is past its best before date. The first company is one that Lesley recommended and Al is also working on a recommendation. Plus I picked a few random companies with good ratings for comparators.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

nice breeze

 It was supposed to be cloudy but there was a good breeze and some sun so my laundry did dry.

Have started working on getting quotes for the roof.

Am trying to clear through old gmail account so everyday trying to clear through old emails. Made it to July 2023. Lots more to go!

Storm now. Listening to it as I go to sleep.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024


 Well, there were some unexpected crises the last few weeks but I took the last couple of days off to try to catch up. I was supposed to go out to Kim's build site but haven't heard from her as to timing. Have been working on paperwork for Rustle's charitable filing and did a lot of dishes. We had a small group party last night.

Halara is a brand known for their activewear dresses. These dresses tend to be quite short and not really my style. Though I do appreciate that they have built in shorts! They apparently have a unique material and have branched into longer dresses so I decided to give them a try. For their main dresses they have lots and lots of colours but for my dresses there were very few colours. For this one the option was black or white and I selected black.

For this one the option was Cinnabar or black and as it is supposedly summer I chose cinnabar as I can't have my whole wardrobe black

I thought it would be more brown but when it arrived I saw it was more of a red.

The fabric is really neat as it is thick but also light. Not sure how durable it will be. Haven't worn them yet!

Tuesday, May 28, 2024


 My schedule for Mon-Thurs is so full of meetings that I am pretty much scheduled every waking hour. Today I need to shower and get ready as well as wash the dishes and start the dinner in the slow cooker. Then I have 3 hours of meetings, 2 hours of interviews, another meeting, a lecture, then home to plate the dinner, then have small group that ends at 9pm. So 12 hours booked! They are all enjoyable just a lot of scheduling!

Thursday, May 23, 2024


 Both cars were in the shop yesterday. The grey car the mechanic said that the transmission is "cooked", while it still drives, it is on its last legs. The brown car needed the exhaust system replaced and the passenger airbag is punctured.

I wore my summer shoes on Tuesday and realized that even though they were broken in last year, they needed to be re-broken in again so my feet are a bit raw.

James' toe doctor was "very surprised" as to how well he was healing.

Monday, May 20, 2024

Wrap up

 Allegedly the person who caused the boating accident was known for drunk and aggressive boating, Very sad for the families who lost young people.

I did not accomplish everything that I had planned on my break but I made good work on updating the cleaning. The bathrooms are now done. I need to do another set of dishes before bed.

An old TV was having some issues so I put it outside and was going wrote some details to post on marketplace to explain what was wrong. The TV was gone within 2 minutes before I could even post.

James' toe seems to be improving. He has a follow up appointment tomorrow. He was so tired after the tournament that he went to be around 7:30pm last night and I don't think was up until noonish today.

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Boat safety week


Apparently this week is boat safety week. Unfortunately it has taken the lives of 3 young people.

Today is Pentecost Sunday. Todd spoke on Ezekiel 37 where the dry bones live again. There was a potluck after the service.

The sun is shining so I have laundry hanging out. James has only slept 5 hours each night the last 2 nights  so I am planning spicy steak for 6:15  and expect he'll want to sleep after that.

Boat accident

 Today was another mainly maintenance, somewhat spring cleaning day. I did lots of laundry and dishes. Vacuumed and washed windows. Also watched some gymnastics. U.S. Classic.

There was also a wasp that got in and I trapped him in a window. Couldn't find a fly swatter so picked one up at the dollar store. Ready for the next flying creature.

There was apparently a bad boat accident on Bob's Lake with multiple injuries. The ORGE chopper didn't fly over my house this time but I heard it land.

Friday, May 17, 2024

Milk run

 I woke up this morning at 6:30 to my alarm and I wondered why it went off when I am on vacation. Then I remembered that I needed to get James breakfast. He was off early for the ringette tournament (organization not playing)

I went to Loblaws for groceries and noticed that milk had gone up by 0.20. I picked up salad for dinner but no milk. I hung laundry as it was a beautiful day. Did a lot of dishes to catch up. Ironed a lot to catch up on that as well. I had hoped to vacuum and clean the bathrooms but didn't get to that today. Checked Giant Tiger and SDM and their milk had all gone up by 0.20 as well. I wouldn't mind if I knew this change was being passed onto the milk farmers, I am just not sure about that!

I also exchanged a lot of winter wear for summer wear from storage boxes. Spring is here! Some photos from last weekend at Camp Iawah.

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Toe progress

 James has been taking showers and putting the foot into salt water soaks. He is trying to get the acid from the surgery washed off. He is making progress with that. The toe seems to be healing but the cleaning progress is slow.

We made a flying visit to Brighton. The weather was glorious. The 401 has a number of slowdowns. One we noted from line painting. Others were undetermined. Good to see my parents!

Tuesday, May 14, 2024


 James made it through the surgery where they cut off large parts of ingrown toenail. As him for gross photos. He is bandaged up and resting today but has hockey tomorrow. I'm calling him "hobbles".

His income tax assessment came back and all was ok, he didn't need to pay anything.

I was off work today but still had some emails to do for work and otherwise did some cleaning.

Monday, May 13, 2024

Toe surgery

 Today was working on wrapping up everything from last week. I'm still really behind on my email.

Tomorrow is James' toe surgery!

We ordered pizza for dinner with enough extra for the next few days instead of getting a chef plate box.

Sunday, May 12, 2024


 Last week when I mowed the long grass in the front, it took 3 batteries full to get through. Today I used 1 battery and I did the front again and about 1/2 of the back. The back is very long. A bunny ran across the back lawn when I was mowing and so I didn't really want to do that part if the lawn keeps the bunny happy.

The board spend a day at Camp Iawah doing some prayer and planning. It was good except in the morning I wanted to go to the water and there was no path so my shoes got soaked with dew and were wet all day. Next time- boots. We saw some deer as we were driving in. They were pretty chill with the cars.

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

James' birthing day

 James had a rest day yesterday. I was up early and hung laundry for the first time this year. Had some meetings with my summer students and worked on finalizing grades. Had a special pizza dinner for James. Then I had small group at Sarah's. So a full day for me!

Sunday, May 5, 2024


 My bite isn't quite right since the tooth surgery so I may need to go back to the dentist.

James has his appointment with the foot doctor tomorrow. Interestingly in preparation for the appointment that he has waiting 2 months for, the toe infected. So I guess he'll get his moneys worth!

I went into work today to get ahead on marks as tomorrow I have a symposium to attend

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

biting my own tooth

 In the middle of the night I woke up with my teeth stuck together and in my groggy state I opened my jaw as quickly as possible. I wondered if there was damage but in the middle of the night I couldn't find any so I went back to sleep. But when I woke up I noticed there was a rough spot on my lower tooth.

My dentist got me in quickly before work today and said yes she would need to take action to fill it. She laughed at my description of the event. That my teeth had had a collision in the night. I asked if I would need to be frozen and the helper said yes. But the dentist sensed my dislike of the freezing and she said that it was shallow enough that they could try without freezing. And they did. And there was no pain. So all fixed up now.

The new backpack also seems to be pretty water resistant, so that is also good.

Monday, April 29, 2024

Amazon backpack

 My backpack was showing some wear after about 5 years. I looked at in person backpacks in stores but nothing struck my eye and they were all very expensive. So I found one on Amazon. It is slightly larger than my old backpack and has a thermal pocket for my "lunch". I was worried that it wouldn't be comfortable but it is as comfortable as my old Obusforme backpack so it seems to be a win!

I also finished my taxes!

Thursday, April 25, 2024

A break in the taxing for 3 days of showcases

 Mon- Wed I was running nonstop at showcases. Very rewarding but tiring! Here is a post from the Museum of Healthcare that we worked with for one project:


Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Taxing part 2

 I biked to work because I was expecting an amazon delivery when noone would be home and thought I could bike back during my lunch hour. But it turned out to be delivered by Amazon and not intelcom and that meant for some reason I didn't get any email notifications. The package was on the porch when I biked home at the end of the day. I was pretty tired after biking so I took a short nap. But that means that it is now almost 3am and I am still up.

I got a good chunk of taxing things done and am making good progress but still probably have another evening to finish up.

James drove to Montreal for the last Canadiens game and drove back arriving at 2am.

Tuesday, April 16, 2024


 Had a long day at work, then came home and had some leftovers, then spent hours working on taxes. I think I have all the papers and am just working on getting everything in before starting the calculations.

Monday, April 15, 2024


 The eclipse was pretty neat, a great experience.

I painted the basement this week.

I didn't get as much done on Saturday as I planned as I hadn't slept well the night before.

Today I worked on getting all the tax documents ready and working on Rustle finance documents needed for the audit.

Sunday, April 7, 2024


 The other half of the couch arrived and James has created a mancave in the basement.

James and I went to Ottawa yesterday. James watched a Senators gave. I visited with Julie. We walked around a mall and had some food. James did not have food, he just enjoyed the game.

Julie and I dropped James off at the gas station outside of the arena and though we were so smart as we could pick him up there after the game. However, many people had the same idea and there were a lot of cars there but Julie did a fantastic job of picking him up and squeezing into traffic to get us back to our car.

The drive home was in the dark and James had to swerve around a racoon but we made it home safely.

Tomorrow is the big day for the eclipse. There are road closures planned because of the volume of people expected.

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Half a couch

 Half of the couch arrived yesterday. How it made it over the border, I don't know. Where the other half is, I don't know. James wrestled the half that we have down the stairs, hurting his back in the process. It is feeling better today.

Monday the students submitted their final project so there was a lot of things to coordinate yesterday and trainings to run.

One of the bridges into Kingston also has closed due to an element failing so there is one less entry point to the city.

Sunday, March 31, 2024

South side

 I noticed that there were some roof tiles on the ground on the south side of the house. It is a bit difficult to see the roof at the south side. They looked like they matched my tile colour but the roof on the north,west and east looked fine. I had to walk out to the sidewalk to see the south side and it did look rough. I asked Al and he said that the south side always goes first, this is not unusual. So will need to be getting a new roof soon. 

Rustle was good. Full house for Easter and Baptisms.

Friday, March 29, 2024


We stayed in a refurbished Church, complete with a confessional and a bar!

What are these footprints?