Monday, July 1, 2024

Turkey vulture

 I fell asleep listening to Mikayla's commentary of the olympic trials and had to wait until the morning to see who the #5 gymnast was (the first 4 were locks).

I woke up at 5:30am and was oddly dizzy. This got better rapidly after I got moving but wasn't altogether gone until I had a nap around noon and things reset.

My phone also oddly glitched and I had to do a complicated restart. Now it has reset and is back to normal.

I biked down to Ontario Park at 7am. It was really nice. Lots of squirrels! Couldn't take pictures because my phone had glitched.

Biking back on one driveway on Johnson St. there was a dead racoon. Not sure if it had been hit by a car as it was a bit of a way from the road or if it had some other demise but there was a HUGE turkey vulture with it. So fascinating to see so close to the road.

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