Sunday, June 30, 2024

James is in N.B.

 James woke up early, showered, packed the car and left. He had a spot of difficulty as he had his phone in the sun and it was giving him directions but he sheltered it and when it cooled down he was able to have the navigation again. Things were slow around Quebec city but the rest seemed ok.

I hadn't put out laundry today due to the threat of rain but that was a mistake. I got home from a committee meeting at 3pm and Kim showed up to pick up some things. Then I managed to hang the laundry and had it out for a bit. There was sun and a good breeze so it was drying pretty quickly. But then clouds came up and I got the laundry back in just before the rain came down.

Today is day 2 of the us gymnastics olympic trials. We don't get the video here but I listen to a us former gymnast on youtube watch it with her commentary and that is really good and then I can watch the video when it is posted later.

Saturday, June 29, 2024

pom poms flattened

 All the rain flattened the pom pom flowers so they are now horizontal flowers instead of vertical ones.

There was a blockage in the gutter so I had to go up and unplug it, it is freely flowing now. 

Things got sorted out for the T3010 as the bookeeper had received documents from the auditor on the 26th and my documents were from the 24th so that sorted out the discrepancy. I got it postmarked and mailed just before the post office closed at 5pm. Whew.

The closet is finished with the painting, just waiting for it to dry before refilling it with stuff. I need to paint the door next.

Break in the rain

 I made it to Food Basics and back mostly in a break in the rain. Now it is coming down in sheets.

As I went around 8am it wasn't very busy but the line up for the cashier was very long. There was no lineup at the self checkout. I guess noone at the cashier was comfortable with the self checkout.

I am still trying to get the T3010 form completed, I am just hoping that the bookeeper will get back to me today as it needs to be filed tomorrow and there is still a discrepancy that I don't understand.

Friday, June 28, 2024

Olympic trials day 1

 Today was the first day of the US women's gymnastics Olympic trials. There were a few injuries to key players so the Olympic team will look different than thought going into the trials.

The T3010 for Rustle's charitable status is due June 30 I am just waiting for some financial documents from the bookeeper and am a bit worried that he may be away for the long weekend.

My sleep last night was not very good so the day was not as productive as I had hoped.

James had friends over to watch the draft and they seemed to have a good time, playing ping pong while watching.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Second coat of paint

 The first coat of paint in the closet took 3 hard hours. The second coat of paint only took 1 hour. It is looking so much better now. I just need to do touch ups before it can be used. I am pretty pleased, though made no progress today because I had my group in the evening. Should finish off the closet tomorrow. Though I haven't started the door yet. Am working in stages.

James is planning his trip out East. He's a good planner!

Monday, June 24, 2024

James made his own dinner

 Yes, he had to go out for a soccer game in the early evening and he made himself a plate of nachos with ground beef left over from last night. He had a second dinner of chicken, rice and broccoli when he returned about 9pm. 

I put a first coat of white paint on the yucky beige in the front hall closet. I am not sure white was the best choice but it apparently is the only thing I paint with. It was a lot of work for a small closet. The angles were difficult and it was very hot for the small enclosed space. I did the best I could with a roller and a large paintbrush. Only because I could find a smaller one. Will need to pick up more at the dollar store.

Sunday, June 23, 2024

rain delay

 I did not make a lot of progress on Saturday because of a guy who was yelling outside at 4:30am. Likely drunk. Then all the rain delayed my shopping trip. Loblaws was indeed busy in the afternoon but there was no stick bread available. Or hand baskets. I was very tried all day.

Last night I got almost 8 hours of sleep, which was a lot for me and it made such a difference. Ebe spoke at Rustle. Christine was there after being missing for a while. She had discovered a murder victim about a month ago which has been freaking her out. I cleaned out the front closet in preparation for painting.

Friday, June 21, 2024

game 6

 James has some friends over to watch Game 6. He thought Florida would win, but so far they are not.

We had a good lunch with our summer crew. Pork medallions and pasta to celebrate women in Engineering.

I covered my heel rip with a bandaid and then my heel ripped in a new spot but I got it under control with another bandaid and all seems good now.

The timetable for next year dropped, hopefully not much needs to change before I need to load students into courses.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

racing before the storm

 At the end of the day it looked like a storm was rolling in so I walked as quickly as I could home. But other than a small sprinkle, the storm moved north. So nothing to be concerned about.

Today we had a special speaker and there was a fire alarm halfway through. I guessed that maybe Starbucks burned something. We all went to another hall. The speaker said if there were sirens at the new location we know that the problem is with us. The rest of the session went ok though.

Tomorrow we are doing a lot of work on the APSC 101 preparation. We have the Women in Engineering lunch. Then an exam in the afternoon!

Wednesday, June 19, 2024


 The robins fixed up their old nest that they made in early May that ended up being destroyed by a squirrel taking shelter in the rain. We'll see if they end up using it.

I started wearing my summer shoes and one of them has caused a giant blister. The other foot had no blisters at all.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

oriental peony compilation from May over various days

They are long dead now but just getting to the photos now. They were nice while they lasted.

Today I went to Food Basics, Rustle, watched Elevation while I ate lunch. Made spicy steak for James. Then made soupe and cleaned kitchen. Load of laundry dried nicely outside. Neighbours were ongoing loud. They had a nice weekend!


Saturday, June 15, 2024


 Apparently the neighbours that back onto the back yard had a party last night. I think I heard it was a birthday. There was some singing. I shut my window and that seemed to keep the noise out. Good thing as it was chilly last night!

Today I got groceries did lots of laundry and worked on cleaning the kitchen. I still need to finish up the kitchen and work on the bathrooms this evening.

Loblaws was very busy but as I was just buying some stick bread and a large salad I made it through quickly.

Friday, June 14, 2024


 Today was a challenging day as there was a lot of organizing to do. Work to sort out the new car and the pickup of the old car. James was unsure if he would be comfortable driving the new car but he loved it. I picked up a new dashcam and we installed it.

I also have to sort out paying the property tax and had a company come to give a quote on the roof. Which apparently is past its best before date. The first company is one that Lesley recommended and Al is also working on a recommendation. Plus I picked a few random companies with good ratings for comparators.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

nice breeze

 It was supposed to be cloudy but there was a good breeze and some sun so my laundry did dry.

Have started working on getting quotes for the roof.

Am trying to clear through old gmail account so everyday trying to clear through old emails. Made it to July 2023. Lots more to go!

Storm now. Listening to it as I go to sleep.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024


 Well, there were some unexpected crises the last few weeks but I took the last couple of days off to try to catch up. I was supposed to go out to Kim's build site but haven't heard from her as to timing. Have been working on paperwork for Rustle's charitable filing and did a lot of dishes. We had a small group party last night.

Halara is a brand known for their activewear dresses. These dresses tend to be quite short and not really my style. Though I do appreciate that they have built in shorts! They apparently have a unique material and have branched into longer dresses so I decided to give them a try. For their main dresses they have lots and lots of colours but for my dresses there were very few colours. For this one the option was black or white and I selected black.

For this one the option was Cinnabar or black and as it is supposedly summer I chose cinnabar as I can't have my whole wardrobe black

I thought it would be more brown but when it arrived I saw it was more of a red.

The fabric is really neat as it is thick but also light. Not sure how durable it will be. Haven't worn them yet!