Monday, February 17, 2025

Storm walking

 The walk to Rustle this morning was ok except for when the wind was whipping spiky snow in my face but the sidewalks were ok. Ebe was speaking and he made reference to me a few times, which was funny. Walking home the wind wasn't so bad but the plows had been by and the sidewalks had disappeared because they pushed all the snow from the road onto the sidewalk so I had to pick my route carefully- I picked quiet streets to I could walk on the street until I got to Princess St, where there was some sidewalk cleared. I did a little bit of shoveling but there were no plows on our street until about 11:30pm so now there is a giant mound of snow at the end of the driveway.

Sunday, February 9, 2025

coyote part 2

 Apparently the coyote is back. It seems to by quite attached to the block it is in.

The police are not able to do anything as it (so far) is not interacting with humans.

As it is relatively mobile, I assume also quite difficult to catch.

Saturday, February 8, 2025


 Apparently there was a large injured coyote spotted a block away from my house. Animal control would not touch it but they called Sandy Pines. Interestingly we are working with their coyote group for our project course. Apparently Police were keeping an eye on it. Hopefully it is getting care somewhere.

James was in Uxbridge today so I managed to clean the bathroom, get heaps of laundry done and many piles of dishes. 

Yesterday had a chef's plate - Coconut curry beef noodles. It was pretty easy and very good!

I am watching the storm approach as google maps looks orange as road conditions deteriorate.

Friday, February 7, 2025

My commute a few days ago

Today is the first day I think I won't need cough medicine before I go to work! My voice is still not quite normal but getting closer.

Halara made some changes to their website and now instead of going to the main Halara site I am redirected to Halara Canada. Which is all fine, if they had kept my profile the same but everything wiped, I can't see my past orders anymore and all my points are gone. So they have a chat line that said "ask us anything"- I asked and they had no idea what to do. Eventually they escalated me. But this just resulted in an email this morning asking if everything worked now. Which it didn't. So you can ask but there may not be an answer. We'll see if they solve it.

Today I am judging an Engineering Outreach event and we have more presentations.

Monday, February 3, 2025



I woke up at 3am and when I was lying still everything was ok, but as soon as I got up and started moving around I was not so good. I found an old pot of cough medicine (only expired 6 months ago) and it was a game changer for the day. I am much better now than I was 24 hours ago!

Sunday, February 2, 2025


 I thought if I took it easy for 2 days, I would be ok for Monday. Now I am uncertain. We'll see how things look in the morning. Haven't heard anything about the strike, I hope that they come to a solution before tomorrow.

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Nat's birthday

 Nat's birthday was yesterday. Hopefully he had a better day than me as I felt pretty lousy! My nose is running a lot today. My cloth handkerchief supply cannot keep up with the running of my nose. I am trying to take it easy. We ordered pizza for dinner as I wasn't really functional enough to cook.

Someone told me about a pet equivalent to Chef's plate in the States. They get pet food through fancy boxes!