Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Goodbye 2024

 In the last few days we finalized most of the marks and got them posted as an end of year gift. Hopefully the students appreciated it.

I got a jury duty summons by email. Which I thought was a scam at first but appears to be real.

We bought a dishwasher which hopefully will arrive on Thursday.

I didn't sleep well last night so I am just waiting for the washer to finish up and then will head to bed. No midnight seeing the year in for me!

Monday, December 30, 2024

Laundry rack

 I was running short of space to hang laundry in the basement and Canadian Tire had a boxing day sale on laundry racks. I had purchased my original laundry rack from Canadian Tire that I like and so I thought it would be good to purchase a second. Well, I found what I thought was my original rack. Priced originally at $80 and on sale for $40. However, when I got it home I realized while it looked like my original it is nowhere near as sturdy as the original. It wasn't even balanced. But luckily as it was so un-sturdy I was able to twist it and get it to balance and it is functional. But it is definitely not worth $80 or even $40 really.

Brian and I were working on finishing up the grades, they aren't quite done but getting close!

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Going to the big boots

 Last night was the first real snowfall and I had to transition from the shoe boot to the real boot. Sidewalks were bad but my boots were hardy. They are fantastic Columbia boots with no structure so they are super soft and don't dig in but also very warm. I discovered them in a boot sale many years ago. I think they had not sold because they were purple but if you can get past the colour they were very good boots. Since then, I have only been able to find them in beige on Amazon, which functionally works. I am not sure why they don't have black but for me the style is more important than the colour.

Tomorrow is Christmas, heading to see the parents!

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

First Canada Post delivery

 I received my first Canada Post delivery and it was a Bell Bill due Nov 21. Luckily I got the e-version and had already paid it. We'll see what tomorrow brings. They say they will be accepting new mail starting on Thursday but the backlog sounds pretty overwhelming.

I spent today doing interviews and trying to manage the gradebook for the course that includes many complicated calculations!

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Ice sheets to snow flurries

 A few days ago there were ice sheets over everything. Then that melted and I now see snow flurries outside the window.

James is back in Toronto again. He called me one night to say his drivers license had expired. The hotel person told him when he showed ID. I thought these sorts of things expired on one's birthday. Apparently not for James. Luckily, these sorts of things can be renewed online. Though who knows when he will receive the new one with the Canada Post issues! 

Since service ontario no longer mails reminders (even without the Canada Post issues) it is good to sign up for their email reminder service! Get ServiceOntario renewal reminders | ontario.ca

Monday, December 9, 2024

Road trip

 Julie and I took a road trip down to Elevation this weekend. Saturday we got to hang out at Kelly's new awesome place! It was nice to see the girls and hang out and have a nice dinner in person.

The weather was not too bad- a bit snowy but not much accumulation. Traffic was bad in Toronto but that was expected.

We stayed at Keith's - he is 94 and still a great host. He is thinking of selling the place and going to live with his son.

Then on Sunday we went to Elevation, both services. Jasmine found that they had taken a photo of me that was used in Kristin's Instagram!

This is Julie and I arriving:

After the services, Julie dropped me at my parents where we had a lovely Sunday dinner. James was returning from Niagara Falls so he stopped by as well and we drove home together. Got a good pic before we left:

The traffic was very heavy on the way home. Not sure why Sunday evening was such a popular travel time!

Today was freezing rain. I went to the grocery store before it started and it wasn't busy like it normally is when a storm is rolling in. James also had his activities cancelled so we all stayed home in the frozen expanse of the land.

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Tiny snow balls

 Yesterday I walked to Loblaws looking at grey/black clouds approaching. When I left Loblaws those clouds were overhead and precipitating tiny snow balls. Like not flakes, little balls. They looked pretty cute so I counted them as my light in the darkness for yesterday.

I had hours of zoom meetings last night and then had to make tacos so I got to bed pretty late.

I bought some things over the Black Friday/Cyber Monday and am having an interesting time tracking them. I assume other carriers are more overburdened with the Canada Post strike.

The item that I bought for James from Best Buy when I purchased it said it would arrive Dec 3. It also said it was in Kingston. Then it said it had missed its connection and would arrive Dec 5. Then yesterday it said it was on the truck and would arrive Dec 3. Then it was back in the warehouse, which is apparently where it still is.

Monday, December 2, 2024

Himalayan Monal | Most unreal looking high altitude pheasant

Today's light in the darkness of winter is the Monal. Such a beautiful outfit for such a harsh environment.

Today I went to Food Basics, washed lots of dishes and tried to catch up on my email. Tomorrow we have our last Fall term training session and last Board meeting of the year!

Sunday, December 1, 2024


 I had some interesting shopping experiences in the last week or so.

1. The Metro/Food Basics company came out with a new rewards program called Moi rewards. I downloaded it for when I went to Food Basics but then when I went to Metro they told me I had to download the Metro Moi rewards. So they are the same but different. Some unification may be helpful here.

2.Shopped at Best Buy Black Friday sale. Needed to wait in the online queue as I guess a lot of people were shopping. But they didn't tell me that I needed to complete the purchase within 10 minutes. I got looped into a circular error as I evidently took more than 10 minutes. I had to get back in the queue and try again.

3. I went to Mark's to get a very specific shoe boot Skechers Women's Easy Going Cozy Escape Zip Boot | Marks and there weren't any on display and I asked the staff member and he knew exactly where they were. Excellent experience with that staff.

I am trying to have a better attitude toward winter as I don't like cold or snow or really anything about winter.

Today I am thankful for the sunshine. When on a cold and dark walk I appreciate the sunshine that warms you. If you didn't have the cold and darkness, you wouldn't be so thankful for the sunshine.