I put in an order for some more Winter pants from Halara. The second Sunday of the month last year they gave you an extra free item. So everyone who put in their order that day had an extra reward. They have changed it this year so that everyone puts their name into a form for 10 days and then at the end 5000 people will receive the special product. An interesting change as they have to then send 5000 separate packages rather than combining with another package.
Back to the order, after I put my bag together I previously had ordered on the computer but on the APP I earn points which can't be used on the computer. I tried the order on the computer and there was a discount code of $12. When I tried on the app, there was a special coupon to use the app and there was a discount of $30 plus I could use $9 of points so it was a better deal!
In the evening I had a finance committee meeting. It went much later that I expected!